Three moms: “This helps me stay sane”
While we love our children deeply, parenting is definitely not for the faint-hearted. Three moms share their views of the challenges and joys of motherhood and offer practical insights, coping ideas and strategies.
Better sex: understanding the brain-body connection
Clinical sexologist Catriona Boffard discusses the most important sex organ, the brain: its role in arousal, why the mind and the body aren’t always on the same page, common misconceptions regarding sexual intimacy, and the importance of feeling safe. She clarifies the dual control model, false versus realistic expectations, and using your mind to heighten your sexual enjoyment. Sensitive content: intended for adult listeners.
Starting a family? Crucial questions on parenting, pregnancy and birth
Prospective parents often find decisions regarding birth route, birth care provider, caring for a newborn, etc. daunting. BabyGym Institute programme director and childbirth educator Cozette Laubser offers guidance on being ready for parenthood, financial concerns, choosing experts wisely, babies’ brain development, skin-to-skin contact, practical decision making, and reducing the stress parenthood brings.
Midlife women: overcoming fatigue, low mood and weight gain
Many menopausal and perimenopausal women lack down-to-earth support. Functional medicine health coach Anita Hamilton-Williams explains which hormonal and other changes trigger certain symptoms. She discusses practical solutions - including targeted nutrition - from a holistic and bio-individual viewpoint, bearing in mind the role of stress. Most of all, Anita offers support in affecting these changes step by step.
Postnatal depression: when to get help
South Africa is one of the 5 countries with the highest postpartum depression rates worldwide. The stigma attached to this condition makes it hard for new moms to admit they’re not coping. Counselling psychologist Luricka Fick discusses the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of postnatal depression, the question of “fantasy versus reality”, and sensible steps a mom or her loved ones should take.
Egskeiding: vars oplossings vir die betaling van onderhoud en ouersamewerking
Hoewel versuim om onderhoud te betaal ‘n kriminele oortreding is, ontvang talle primêre versorgers nie die onderhoud wat hulle of hul kinders toekom nie. ‘n Nuwe inisiatief verhoed dat onderhoudwanbetalers voortgaan om krediet te ontvang terwyl hulle onderhoud verskuldig is – en ‘n nuwe toep help geskeide ouers om misverstande en konflik te beperk. (Hierdie artikel het in die Februarie 2023-uitgawe van ‘rooi rose’ verskyn.)
Inside information: the way men view relationships
Men and women are wired differently. Psychologist and former serial killer profiler Dr. Micki Pistorius’ insights into the male psyche are arresting. She describes men as heroes and warriors. How do men view emotions, dating, female friends and marriage? What are their strongest drives and deepest fear? How does one best communicate with a man? Dr. Pistorius’ book, “Heroes”, offers answers that every woman should note.
Non-verbal communication: secrets women should know
Understanding the differences in the way men and women communicate, can ease life at work and at home. Through her science-backed work, body language expert Tania Steyn reconnects people with their “primary language” by increasing self-awareness. She points out dissimilarities between the sexes’ communication styles, and non-verbal behaviour traps women can avoid to develop leadership presence. Learn more about lunch chasers, fire gazers and nest builders, and why you shouldn’t cross your arms in the workplace.
How do the profiling instruments in your coach’s toolbox serve you?
Business & executive coach Dawn Klatzko discusses the objectives of coaching, the importance of a chemistry check, and how coaches use profiling instruments to help their clients achieve their goals. She illuminates the neuroscience-based Mind Dynamix Profile Instrument, explaining why our “experts” power down during stress and how Mind Moves tap into neuroplasticity.
Affairs: why they happen and how they can be addressed
Can childhood trauma cause infidelity? Which patterns are involved in the unravelling of a love relationship? Counselling psychologist Dr. Ingrid Artus clarifies what happens emotionally and physiologically, the effect of betrayal, dealing with trauma, and affairs as a possible form of addiction. She offers the antidotes to criticism, defensiveness, contempt and stonewalling.
How to manage conflict in your personal relationships
None of us is immune to relationship fallouts. Counselling psychologist Dr. Hannetjie van Zyl-Edeling clarifies what conflict entails, its purpose, causes and effects, and explains what happens in your body during a quarrel. She recommends rules for fair fighting and reveals the secret behind handling disagreements really well.
Are you a tired, sleep-deprived mom?
Occupational therapist Tanya Muir sheds light on sleep problems encountered by parents, babies and young kids. Combining evidence-based solutions with her experience as a mom, Tanya explains how sleep deprivation can affect caregivers’ physical and mental health, weight loss after pregnancy, and love relationships. She offers practical interventions for getting better sleep all round.
Seksuele molestering: ‘n potensieel beperkende ervaring
Seksuele molestering en verkragting is algemener as wat ons dink en die oortreders is dikwels vertrouelinge. Pastorale narratiewe terapeut dr. Marietjie van Loggerenberg praat deernisvol oor die gepaardgaande trauma, misplaaste skaamte en skuldgevoelens, en geheimhouding. Sy verduidelik hoe seksuele misbruik in narratiewe terapie benader word: jy kán jou beperkende identiteitsverhaal herskryf. Sensitiewe inhoud, vir volwasse luisteraars bedoel.
Are YOU an empath?
Do you feel others’ emotions in your body? Are you sometimes called “too sensitive”? Master transformation coach Liezl Thom explains how this gift can become a curse – but that awareness of what’s going on, realising that you can choose not to experience others’ feelings, and learning how to close yourself off when necessary will transform you into an empowered empath.
Growing from shame and guilt to self-love
Drawing on her own experience, empowerment coach Diana Kearns encourages women to identify limiting beliefs which fuel negative behaviours, to grow healthy habits and recognise their own “perfect imperfection.” She explains how finding the necessary support and healing the wounded inner child can lead to freedom and transformation.
How to use sexual energy transmutation for achievement and growth
In his 1937 self-help classic “Think and Grow Rich”, Napoleon Hill said every genius that ever lived knew the art of sex transmutation. Sacred sexuality, mentality and spirituality educator and former Recce Ian J. van Rensburg explains how sexual energy can be transformed to attain goals, bring about healing, and foster authenticity. He outlines a 7-step process to implement this “rocket booster of the Law of Attraction.” Sensitive content: intended for adult listeners.
Caregivers: prioritising yourself while caring for others
Individuals caring for a loved one or someone with a challenging condition often neglect their own well-being. This can result in exhaustion on top of experiencing fear, anxiety and even guilt. Caregiver advocate Meriam Boldewijn explains how a simple self-care system can help caregivers regain their balance and realise that they are “worthy of a wonderful life too.”
Sexual etiquette: 10 dos and don’ts in the bedroom
What should you bear in mind when making love? Dr. Elna Rudolph, medical doctor and sexologist, reveals ten rules for sexual etiquette.
An end-of-life doula’s insights into living and dying consciously
In our society, death isn’t readily discussed. It is also one of our biggest fears. Therapeutic counsellor Nidhi Amanda Chaitow explains what a death doula does, how acknowledging the reality of death can positively impact our lives, what “a beautiful death” means, and how creativity can help us feel more connected. Nidhi talks about her own grieving process following the recent loss of her beloved.
BWRT can address post-traumatic stress disorder effectively
Are you part of the 10% of the population experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder? Being traumatised can affect us in disturbing ways. Counselling psychologist Heinrich Benjamin defines trauma and highlights its causes, how it can be recognised, and how it is diagnosed. He focuses on the advantages of the successful use of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy in the treatment of PTSD and offers practical examples of life-changing results.