How to use sexual energy transmutation for achievement and growth
In his 1937 self-help classic Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill said “every genius that ever lived” knew the art of sex transmutation. Sacred sexuality, mentality and spirituality educator and former Recce Ian J. van Rensburg explains how sexual energy can be transformed to attain goals, bring about healing, and foster authenticity. He outlines a 7-step process to implement this “rocket booster of the Law of Attraction.” Sensitive content: intended for adult listeners.
Ian Jansen van Rensburg
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In ep. 73 of the weekly podcast series Calm, Clear and Helpful, Ian clarifies
his view of sexual energy
four ways in which sexual energy can be expressed
how to move sexual energy
what chakras are
which goals can be reached when sexual energy is transmuted into “energy of a higher order”
how transmuting sexual energy ties up with the Law of Attraction
which of the four components of the mind relates to genius: the ability to create something completely new
the 7 steps of Ian’s Sex Magick process, which infuses a goal with sexual energy so it can manifest
using sexual energy to get to enlightenment (tantra)
Ian’s take on enlightenment
his 3 tips on how to be successful as a special forces operator.
In this episode, Ian mentions Mantak Chia, Sadhguru, Osho, Dr. David. R. Hawkins who wrote Power vs Force, The Kybalion, and Aleister Crowley.
Contact details
Ian Jansen van Renburg is a sacred sexuality, mentality and spirituality educator, specialised kinesiologist and a master practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) with practices in Centurion and Rivonia. He is a retired Lieutenant colonel and Special Forces Operator (Recce) and works with individuals and couples. His program Younity is also offered by his partner, Zelmia Bezuidenhout.
LinkedIn: Ian Jansen van Rensburg
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Photograph of Ian Jansen van Rensburg: supplied