Nicola Langridge on the attraction of numbers, snowboarding, and little sleep
A Cape Town wealth manager writes about working with high-net worth clients, a gap year in London, work-life balance, and a quiet cup of tea.
Benita Kropman on her nomadic lifestyle, neighbours with cows, and long outswims in the ocean
The physiotherapist who founded the Lyno® Method writes about travelling with elite athletes, too much luggage, and always questioning everything.
Dr. Elsi Meyer on freedom, weight loss and the soul’s compass
An educational psychologist writes about incorporating energy healing into her psychology practice, avoiding the yo-yo effect, and a home that overflows with children.
Suzette Serfontein on getting things done, African highlights and sleepless nights
The programme director of Rewire to Retire shares her thoughts on black jeans, an overcrowded helicopter, developing people, and children living abroad.
Cozette Laubser on a controversial subject, road trips, and getting dirty
BabyGym Institute International programme director, childbirth educator, and birth doula Cozette Laubser considers what stole her heart; physical exhaustion versus emotional connection; and forgiving quickly and laughing easily.
Luricka Fick on connection, guilty pleasures, and one thing dads need
A counselling psychologist writes about cutting Freud some slack, Christmas Crunchie biscuits, and weighted bunnies - made with love.
Rudi Swanepoel on woundedness and what we yearn for
A pastor and author’s thoughts on difficult conversations, stage fright, and holy ground.
Kobus Burger oor ‘n fees vir die sinne, speletjies en ligter leef
Radioman, joernalis, kreatiwiteitsafrigter, asemhalingsterapeut, kunsresensent, dramaturg … die programbestuurder van RSG dra ‘n hele rits hoede. Hy beantwoord 8 vrae, en Cows Grilling Hamburgers kom onder meer ter sprake.
Tania Steyn on a life that fell apart, the caveman days and what the world needs now
A body language expert, human behaviour analyst and coach writes about being a recovering people pleaser, a forgotten language, and the importance of changing perceptions.
Martjie Roos oor glansmense, draaiboek skryf en kinderkerk
Vermaaklikheidsjoernalis Martjie Roos praat oor die koerant- en tydskrifink wat in haar are vloei, bek-en-klouseer, verre lande en skeppingsvreugde.
Marilyn Hallett on a death-do-us-part relationship, backpacking and her happy place
The founder of a successful digital media platform for South African 60-plussers writes about a recipe for a wonderful career, praying her way through slumps, and the enchantment of the bush.
Erica Terblanche on roaming alone and untethered, wild horses, and love
A positive psychology coach and international endurance athlete touches on running 205km without stopping, selfie narratives, and the secret behind carrying on when you feel you simply cannot.
Liezl Thom on journalistic objectivity, joining the Army, and NLP on steroids
Master Transformation coach Liezl Thom talks about two decades in broadcasting and news, seeing a child’s soul, Kofi Annan, Martha Beck - and gadgets.
Belinda Bras-Nel on having angels as colleagues, wolves, and a family of nerds
A woman with the gift of communicating with angels, animals and souls on the other side, speaks about living an unusual but very grounded life.
Zena le Roux on the case of the broken leg, fascination and yoga
A health coach, functional nutritionist and investigative health journalist touches on what intrigues her, traffic, and energy, fulfilment and happiness.
Jacqui Rogers on a fake strap-on tummy, burnout, and being a top innovator
A serial entrepreneur talks about the unusual reason for her involvement in the pregnancy industry, the time when her body shut down, and being singled out by the World Health Organisation for her mobile app, My Pregnancy Journey.
Maryke Groenewald on having a very entrepreneurial spirit
A Master Transformation Life Coach with a background in psychology and human resources management talks about bedtime stories, a pretend business, and “so much love still in this country”.
Angela Hardy on floating, brilliance and falling in love
A personal transformation specialist who has undergone a metamorphosis herself; this is what it means to walk your talk. Angela Hardy answers 8 questions on her work, her beloved, and a rather special kind of tank.
Dr. Marietjie van Loggerenberg oor slaap onder die sterre, onreg en genade
Ontmoet die pastorale terapeut, dosent en méns agter die kampvegter. Dr. Marietjie van Loggerenberg praat oor Kalahari-liefde, haatoproepe, verliese, steun, en oor God se teenwoordigheid in elke terapiesessie.
Eleen Polson on being wild at heart, honest sharing, and sisterhood
Eleen Polson, counselling psychologist and artist, talks about approaching therapy from the “creative side”, moving with and into delight, the Adriatic Sea, and longing and belonging.