Luricka Fick on connection, guilty pleasures, and one thing dads need
A counselling psychologist writes about cutting Freud some slack, Christmas Crunchie biscuits, and weighted bunnies - made with love.
1 Luricka, what sparked your interest in psychology?
I was always told by friends and family that I would make a good psychologist one day, but the thought of studying for so many years was too daunting at first. So I made a little detour into Consumer Science and Business Management before (finally) finding my way to my calling. This was also motivated by my first honours degree in the Social Psychology of Clothing. And I’m so glad that I changed course. I really enjoy my work.
2 Which great figures from the history of psychology inspire you?
All the great Psychoanalysts of their time. I specifically enjoy reading Donald Winnicott, Otto Kernberg and Freud. I wish people would cut the guy some slack. He was so wise beyond his years, and unfortunately his original writings have been watered down to the extent that they get severely misinterpreted by society. And also, like any great figure that set a new era in motion, he has some controversy.
3 You’re very much at home in front of the microphone. Were you born this way? 😉
It appears so. I've always had a love for public speaking, a bit of an adrenalin junkie perhaps, especially since public speaking is the most common phobia in the world. But I appreciate the impact online and public speaking can make. I do strive to discuss well-researched and scientifically-backed topics however, to sift through all the noise online today.
Here Luricka clarifies postnatal depression and what a mom - or their loved ones - can do.
4 As you answer these questions in March 2023, you’re expecting your third daughter. What is the one thing a child needs?
Connection. Connection is the most basic human need. And it’s our responsibility as parents to assist our children in finding themselves above all else. I’m just like any other parent. I make mistakes, and I own up to them. I hope my daughters will feel safe enough in our relationship to make mistakes, be vulnerable and discover the true meaning of their lives.
Luricka considers the effect of our sensory profile - especially hyper- or hypo-sensitivity - on our mental health.
5 What is the one thing a mom needs?
Support and care from those around her. I see moms thrive that have structured their lives to allow free time, rest and connection to others.
6 What is the one thing a dad needs?
My husband would say that men are simple creatures. They need food, a cold beer and a lekker braaivleis. But above all else, support and love. Lots and lots of love. In society there is a misconception that men need to be strong, and have it all together for their families. But men also need to be nurtured and loved to feel connected to their families.
7 Which role does art - and creating art - play in your life?
I thrive when my creative juices flow. They are more situated since I had my kids, simply because I have less time to just free associate around being creative. But I find at night, when the kids are in bed, and the city becomes quiet, is when I’m able to create again. I dabble in all kinds of artistic expression, Baking mostly at the moment, because my girls can join in the fun. But I also enjoy embroidery, writing (journalling especially), making birthday cards (which the girls help me with), and creating art like mobiles for nurseries.
A little passion project I recently started incorporates my creative side and a baby stimulation range called SnuggleSense. I mobilised some women in our community to help me make blankets, teethers, sensory and weighted bunnies, and also create an entire baby stimulation program with the help of my Physio and OT colleagues. My heart pumps chocolates when we get an order through the website, because I know all the love and care that has literally gone into each and every item sold online. Everything is handmade and we support local women and makers through this initiative.
Luricka’s lemon meringue pie
8 You’re a foodie. Which aspects of food and food preparation captivate you, and could you mention one or more of your all-time favourites?
It’s all about togetherness. I love cooking for people I love. The joy in the connection when we eat together is a natural antidepressant. I like experimenting with foreign cuisines, as long as it’s hearty and ticks all the colourful boxes. Mexican, Italian, Thai and Indian food especially. Also, some firm local favourites like Skaapboud & Aartappels, Braaivleis, Bobotie and Potjie.
But my true guilty pleasures are the sweet-bakes. My grandmother’s lemon meringue pie, a to-die-for vanilla caramel cake, Christmas Crunchie biscuits (that get baked all year round in my house), and cupcakes that my daughters decorate with gusto.
About Luricka
Luricka Fick is a counselling psychologist and founder at Dynamic Health Today, based in Johannesburg. She works in person and online.
Websites: - including a podcast called The Good Enough Mother Podcast.
Tel. 083 759 0351
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Facebook: BetterMom and Luricka Fick Counselling Psychologist
Stock pics, including thumbnail: Unsplash
Personal images: supplied.