Boost your chances for natural fertility and conception
Many couples long for a baby but are struggling to fall pregnant. Counselling psychologist and hypnotherapist Karin Steyn clarifies the Fertile Body Method, a holistic approach to male and female infertility including psycho-education, lifestyle considerations, hypnosis, visualisation and other forms of support. A couple’s relationship is strengthened and their fertility goals and expectations of parenthood are explored in a safe environment.
Your love relationship: optimise your sensory fit
How do the brain and sensory preferences influence intimate relationships? Have you discovered your partner’s preferred sense? Developmental specialist Dr. Melodie de Jager explains how a little detective work concerning neurological wiring can foster mutual understanding and make partners more compatible.
Painful sex in women: causes and cures
Although one in five women will experience painful intercourse at some stage, this remains a taboo topic. Dr. Jireh Serfontain discusses possible reasons why love-making hurts, including the role of oral contraceptives and vaginismus. Treatment may incorporate specialised physiotherapy, dilators, and counselling. This problem also affects intimate relationships and partners; fortunately, medical help is available.
Verstaan depressie: het jou geliefde die siekte van ons tyd?
Maatskaplike werker Annette de la Porte het nie net werkservaring van depressie nie, maar het 34 jaar met depressie in die huis saamgeleef. As jy oor iemand besorg is en self swaarkry, is Annette se verduideliking van wat in die brein gebeur, die simptome en die behandeling van depressie inssiggewend. Sy gee praktiese raad oor die emosionele en ander gevolge vir die persoon met depressie sowel as vir die huismense, en hoe om dit te hanteer.
Living with the “silent illness”
Although some never make it known, at least one in ten South Africans suffers from some form of mental illness at one stage or another. Veteran journalist Marion Scher tells podcast host Mariette Snyman about her recent book, “Surfacing”. On these pages she shares the personal stories of people who have learnt to live fulfilled lives despite challenges like depression, anxiety disorder, a daughter’s suicide or bipolar disorder.
Natuurlike geboorte: wanneer is dit die beste keuse?
In baie lande word ‘n natuurlike geboorte toenemend as die beste opsie vir ‘n gesonde ma met ‘n normale swangerskap beskou. Is dit veilig – en is dit gewens? Geboorte-opvoedkundige Cozette Laubser belig die voorwaardes vir en voordele van ‘n bevalling sonder mediese ingrepe, onder die oog van ‘n opgeleide vroedvrou. Sy bespreek die ideale geboorteomgewing, die geboortespan, die rol van hormone in die kraamproses, die “fetus ejection reflex” en natuurlike en farmaseutiese maniere om pyn te beheer.
My partner has erectile dysfunction – please help!
Studies show up to 80% of all cases of erectile dysfunction are caused by an underlying medical problem. This means that getting help for erectile dysfunction - sooner rather than later - can save a man’s life. Dr. Jireh Serfontein talks about the causes, treatment, and how a concerned partner can start the conversation on this delicate matter. Above all, she says, there is hope!
Wat jy van mans moet weet
Mans is anders bedraad as vroue. As voormalige reeksmoordenaar-profielopsteller, sielkundige en konsultant het dr. Micki Pistorius die manlike psige in diepte leer ken. Sy beskryf mans as helde en krygers. Hoe beskou mans emosies, “dating”, vrouevriende en die huwelik? Wat is mans se grootste vrees en sterkste dryfvere? Hoe kommunikeer jy met ‘n man? Micki se boek, “Heroes”, bied antwoorde waarvan elke vrou kennis behoort te neem.
A sexologist’s advice on women, sex and menopause
Dr. Elna Rudolph, medical doctor and sexologist, talks about the difference between menopause and perimenopause; her approach to menopause; symptoms like hot flushes, vaginal dryness, sleeping problems, weight gain and osteoporosis; how these can be treated by balancing your hormones; and the dos and don’ts of dating later in life.
Giving your baby the best pregnancy and birth experience
Developmental specialist dr. Melodie de Jager introduces a free, weekly blog for the woman who wants to be a mother but doesn’t know where to start. “The Art of Co-creating” will also interest dads, grandparents, and anyone fascinated by the science behind the shaping of a baby. Melodie tells Mariette about fictional characters Zani and Jake’s compelling journey - navigating their emotions, seeking clarity, and making choices informed by scientific research on preconceptual care, prenatal development, birth, and other key subjects.
Imago relationship therapy: regain the love you once shared
Falling in love is easy, but keeping that magic alive can seem challenging - especially when your beloved starts displaying annoying traits, makes unacceptable decisions, or fails to consider your feelings. How can these power struggles be transformed and emotional intimacy and passion restored? Kobus van der Merwe explains how Imago Relationship Therapy works and how it can heal romantic relationships.
Brain profiling and coaching can give your life a lift
Face profiling is a startlingly accurate assessment tool that tells us a lot about our true self. Now add brain profiling, which sheds light on our brain preferences, and the road to goals such as working more efficiently or attaining a healthy weight suddenly opens up. Face profiler and personal development coach Marthie Maré tells Mariette how this works.
Can your facial features reveal your true self?
Can face profiling reveal your talents, challenges - and who you really are? Absolutely, says face profiler and personal development coach Marthie Maré. Find out what physiognomy is, how it works, and how the self-knowledge you gain can benefit you and your relationships, at home and at work.
How can the Corona pandemic influence sexual function?
Sexual health expert dr. Jireh Serfontein assures us that it is normal when we find our sexual relationships affected by the pandemic; what this can involve, and what to do to keep safe - and still feel connected.
Contraception: which option suits you best?
From IUD’s to the morning-after pill ... Dr. Jireh Serfontein, sexual health physician, offers her advice on different forms of birth control and their effectiveness, advantages and disadvantages.
Is jy bloot sensitief, of ‘n “empath”?
Gooi die mense om jou se fisieke of emosionele swaarkry jou van balans? Put groepe jou uit? Ooreet jy om emosionele stres hok te slaan? Lees ‘n Amerikaanse psigiater se siening oor empate se besonderse eienskappe en haar wenke rakende hul uitdagings, verhouding met kos, en romantiese verbintenisse.
Hanteer kommunikasie en konflik só vir ‘n beter verhouding
As ons weet hoe om verstaanbaar te kommunikeer, rusies te voorkom en meningsverskille uit te sorteer, versterk dit die liefdesband. Maar hoe doen ons dit? Opvoedkundige sielkundige Anys Rossouw gee raad oor sake soos goeie tydsberekening, die waarde van humor, en die vermoë om jou emosies, behoeftes en verwagtings doeltreffend uit te druk.
Hoe benader ons transgender kinders en volwassenes met empatie?
Die transgenderkwessie is vir baie ouers, familielede en groepe soos geloofskringe ‘n angswekkende onderwerp. Dr. Elna Rudolph, seksuoloog, praat oor wat dit behels, transmense van alle ouderdomme (miskien iemand ná aan jou!) se uitdagings, en waar om hulp te kry of hoe om steun te bied.
Hoe om dit te verwerk dat my kind gay is
Wanneer ‘n kind erken sy is lesbies of hy is gay, kan ouers skok, ongeloof, woede, leed en skuldgevoelens ervaar. Boonop vrees hulle verwerping vir hulle én hul kind. Pastorale narratiewe terapeut dr. Marietjie van Loggerenberg gee raad oor kopskuiwe, hartskuiwe, en ‘n proses wat ouers stapsgewys help om homoseksualiteit te aanvaar.
Hulp vir ouers wat uitvind hul kind is gay
Ouers wat hoor hul kind is lesbies of gay, bevind hulle baie keer op ontstellende, onbekende terrein. Dr. Marietjie van Loggerenberg praat oor hierdie kinders se ervaring, wroeging en moontlike depressie of geloofsworsteling. Haar insigte kan ouers help om deernis te hê - met hulself én met hul kind.