My partner has erectile dysfunction – please help!
Studies show up to 80% of all cases of erectile dysfunction are caused by an underlying medical problem. This means that getting help for erectile dysfunction - sooner rather than later - can save a man’s life. Dr. Jireh Serfontein talks about the causes, treatment, and how a concerned partner can start the conversation on this delicate matter. Above all, she says, there is hope!
Sensitive content: Please note that this episode contains a candid discussion of sexual practices and is intended for adult listeners.
Dr. Jireh Serfontein
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In episode 11 of the weekly podcast series Calm, Clear and Helpful, Jireh touches on
What needs to be in place to get a normal erection, and what can go wrong
The relationship between erectile dysfunction and the chances of getting a heart attack
How chronic medication can contribute to erectile dysfunction
The role of testosterone
Whether getting older necessarily leads to erectile dysfunction
Performance anxiety
Her three best tips on communicating about sex.
Here Elred Lawrence candidly shares his experience of prostate cancer, prostatectomy and living an adventurous life ever since.
The free podcast series Calm, Clear & Helpful is available on iTunes, Spotify, Player FM and
Also listen to Jireh’s advice on managing sexually transmitted infections, including the stigma, shame and “STI phobia”.
Jireh talks about premature ejaculation, a distressing condition which is, in fact, easy to treat.
Jireh talks about causes and cures regarding painful intercourse - a common female condition.
Studies show that the Corona pandemic has influenced sexual function: Jireh tells us the details.
Jireh vertel ons van haar werk en gesin: lees wat sy te sê het.
Contact details
Dr Jireh Serfontein is a medical doctor from Pretoria who works exclusively in the field of sexual medicine. She is part of the team of professionals at My Sexual Health, with offices in Pretoria, Johannesburg and Cape Town.
Dr. Jireh Serfontein: 012 816 8240
Read Jireh’s advice on the contraceptive choice that suits you best.
Image: Unsplash
Photograph of dr. Jireh Serfontein: supplied
Please note: These podcasts are intended purely for educational purposes and should never replace professional evaluation or discussion.
If you have suicidal thoughts, phone the free SADAG helpline at 0800 567 567 or SMS 31393 (both available 24/7) or contact a qualified medical professional.