What happens when your pet dies and how to approach euthanasia
Losing a beloved animal companion is traumatic; gaining clarity can comfort grieving owners. International animal communicator Jenny Shone discusses how a soul crosses over, practical things that can help owners and pets left behind to cope with this loss, and guidelines concerning the need to intentionally end an animal’s life.
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In ep. 112 of the weekly podcast series Calm, Clear and Helpful, animal communicator Jenny Shone clarifies
whether we are all born with telepathic abilities
how she got started connecting with animals who have crossed over
how the information she gets from the soul of an animal who has passed on can uplift devastated owners
what happens when an animal crosses over, and what awaits them
the veil between the physical dimension and soul dimension or “other side”
whether animal souls remain present with their owners
what owners can do to sense the soul of their animal companion more easily
practical tips for owners to help them live with their loss
how owners can help a pet that mourns another animal’s passing
whether animals fear death
real-life stories of animal companions on the other side Jenny connected with
when – and when not – to consider euthanasia
what you should know when your pet’s life must be ended intentionally
Jenny’s advice when an owner cannot afford a medical intervention.
In this episode, Jenny mentions the book Straight from the horse’s mouth by Amelia Kinkade.
Here Jenny explains how we can listen and “speak” to domestic and wild animals.
Do you need to help your pet deal with trauma following a crime incident?
Jenny Shone verduidelik dat telepatiese kommunikasie met diere nes ‘n nuwe taal is wat jy aanleer. Lees die artikel hier.
Jenny with Henry
Jenny’s books
Purr-fect voices: a deeper understanding of animals and telepathic communication (2022) by Jenny Shone is available on http://www.animalhealing.co.za and all the Amazon, Kindle and Ingram Sparks sites. You can order a signed copy from Jenny at jenny@animalhealing.co.za - only if you’re living in South Africa.
The same applies to Jenny’s 2005 book: Paws & listen to the voices of the animals.
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Jenny and Leyla
Contact details
Jenny is an internationally recognised animal communicator, healer, Reiki master, speaker, educator, author and founder of the Animal Healing Centre near Walkerville. She offers remote and in-person communication sessions and energy healing. Jenny also teaches telepathic animal communication and healing through workshops, either in person or through home study.
Tel. 082 450 1158
Email: jenny@animalhealing.co.za
Website: http://www.animalhealing.co.za
The free podcast series Calm, Clear & Helpful is available on iTunes, Spotify, Pocket Casts, Player FM and Iono.fm.
Music by Mart-Marie Snyman
Thumbnail image: Pexels
Photographs of Jenny Shone: supplied