Belinda Bras-Nel: I came back from Egypt a different woman
Discovering Egypt in unforeseen ways, angel medium Belinda Bras-Nel experienced deep connections, spiritual encounters, the energy of Grandmother Gaia, and fun - despite health challenges. She describes the allure of the Nile, the profound beauty of the desert, and how her perception of her own femininity and animals’ well-being were transformed.
What pet parents need to know about holistic health practices
Is your pet’s well-being close to your heart? Veterinarian Dr Marlene Siegel explains what integrative, holistic health care entails and why finding the root cause of any challenge is crucial in order to ensure long-term health. She discusses deficiency, toxicity, mitochondrial dysfunction and trapped emotions as causes of dis-ease, and offers advice on testing and other practical matters.
How to help your animals deal with crime issues
Should you task you dog with protecting your home? Pets, like humans, are traumatised by crime incidents and may experience guilt, or develop behavioural issues. Animal communicator Jenny Shone offers real-life case studies and practical advice on how to help your animal companions clear blockages following crime.
What happens when your pet dies and how to approach euthanasia
Losing a beloved animal companion is traumatic; gaining clarity can comfort grieving owners. International animal communicator Jenny Shone discusses how a soul crosses over, practical things that can help owners and pets left behind to cope with this loss, and guidelines concerning the need to intentionally end an animal’s life.
Telepathic animal communication: discover what your pet - or a wild animal - thinks
Can we listen and “speak” to animals? A new book by Jenny Shone, international animal communicator and healer, confirms this innate ability. Jenny talks about the principles of connecting with domestic and wild animals, how pets may mirror our medical and emotional problems, how they may help us heal, and on helping missing animals find their way home. Her real-life stories include light moments and profound insights. Sponsored content.