Thyroid imbalance, energy levels, stress and weight gain
Thyroid dysfunction, especially hypothyroidism, is often misdiagnosed and can lead to weight gain, fatigue, anxiety, hair loss or gut problems. Naturopathic doctor Faryal Luhar discusses possible causes, testing the correct markers, and treatment. She sheds light on Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder, and how it can be dealt with. Sponsored content.
Understanding and managing food trauma
Individuals who have an unhealthy relationship with food don’t necessarily realise that this is the case. Movement and energy specialist Tami Folkenflik shares her own story of food trauma, which caused intense emotional distress. She explains how she supports clients in their healing journeys and advises family members on how to approach their loved one experiencing a debilitating relationship with food.
Detoxification, the Functional Medicine way
Detoxing successfully and sustainably improves over-all long-term health, yet what works for you is as unique as your fingerprint. Functional medicine health coach Marielle Wolmarans discusses the detox process, its phases, and its connection to gene testing, weight loss, trauma and autoimmune disease. Find out how - and why - to support your detox pathways through sensible daily habits. Sponsored content.
Cortisol, stress and weight gain: insights and solutions
Carrying excess weight - especially abdominal fat - could point to elevated cortisol levels. Naturopathic doctor Faryal Luhar discusses possible causes and how cortisol surges affect our physical and mental health. She outlines the role of hormones like DHEA, testosterone, leptin, and ghrelin, and offers practical advice on how to regain and maintain healthy cortisol levels. Sponsored content.
Is intermittent fasting truly a magic bullet for health?
Apart from weight loss, time-restricted eating offers significant benefits, especially in our current epidemic of metabolic disease. What - however - do you need to know? Functional medicine health coach Anita Hamilton-Williams explains why men and women should approach intermittent fasting differently, take into account autoimmune conditions or cortisol dysregulation, and how to get intermittent fasting under way.
Healthy lifestyle choices: prevent insulin resistance and diabetes
An estimated 1 in 3 adults have pre-diabetes. Food writer Vickie de Beer introduces a hands-on guide to understanding and managing Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes as well as insulin resistance. She highlights low carb living as a long-term solution for children, adults, women in menopause and older individuals. Fortunately, the low carb recipes in “Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Handbook” are delicious! Sponsored content.
How to protect your DNA from cancer
Did you know the aim of detoxification is to protect your DNA? Functional medicine health coach Anita Hamilton-Williams discusses our exposure to toxins, the 3 phases of detoxification, and how poor detox pathways may be linked to cancer and excess weight. Here’s how to support detoxification through nutrients, lifestyle, and understanding your genetic variants.
How to slow down ageing: Blue Zones and nutrigenomics
What’s the secret behind the healthy centenarians of the Blue Zone areas? Functional medicine health coach Anita Hamilton-Williams discusses connectivity, natural movement, down-shifting, a diet rich in bio-actives and other factors contributing to these individuals’ well-being. Her practical tips can help you incorporate some of these habits into your life.
Midlife women: overcoming fatigue, low mood and weight gain
Many menopausal and perimenopausal women lack down-to-earth support. Functional medicine health coach Anita Hamilton-Williams explains which hormonal and other changes trigger certain symptoms. She discusses practical solutions - including targeted nutrition - from a holistic and bio-individual viewpoint, bearing in mind the role of stress. Most of all, Anita offers support in affecting these changes step by step.
My son has diabetes: our low-carb lifestyle
Discovering that your child has Type-1 diabetes is traumatic. Knowing that a coma may be fatal, making optimal, sustainable lifestyle changes, and successfully managing your child’s school and social life creates constant stress. Food writer Vickie de Beer shares what this path has taught her, and how the advantages of a low-carb lifestyle inspired her to write best-selling cookbooks.
Weight, health, body image, and the psychology of eating
“We’re not really broken, we’re just not tuned to our bodies,” says mind-body eating and wellness coach Bev Liebson. “Good nutrition involves both what we eat and who we are as eaters.” Bev highlights the question of “good” versus “bad” food, factors influencing digestion and calorie burning, befriending your body, and rewriting your food story.
3 good-to-know points impacting your weight, health and autoimmunity
When experiencing weight, health or image challenges, we tend to focus on what we eat. In fact, says mind-body eating and wellness coach Bev Liebson, food issues are connected to our personal and work relationships, sexuality, fulfilment, etc. Sharing her journey with severe autoimmune conditions and nine miscarriages, Bev explains how she returned to health - also discussing stress eating, toxic nutritional beliefs, and being mindful of what you really need.
Nourishing - not punishing - your body to create health
Few people have the healthy or attractive body they desire. Our health, diet and fitness paradigms are based on “no pain, no gain” - i.e. punishment - which impedes reaching our long-term goals. Homeopath and mind-body coach Dr. Loretta Ferrucci illuminates the flawed premise that willpower can outsmart limiting beliefs, and explains where willpower should be applied to attain sustainable results.
How to trust yourself around food
Do you have a complex, guilt-ridden relationship with food? Would you like to get to a place of healing and freedom around eating? Health coach Zena le Roux discusses factors shaping our eating habits and practical ways to tune into our bodies. Restoring our physiological balance, addressing emotional issues, and removing dietary restrictions can help us regain our body’s trust.
Excess weight: what your subconscious is trying to tell you
When we want to lose weight, we often overlook the symbolic messages our subconscious sends us via the body. Dr. Hannetjie van Zyl-Edeling explains how excess weight can function as protection, have hidden advantages, and relate to our family context. She discusses ways in which emotional eating can be addressed and the effectiveness of hypnotherapy in weight loss.
Developing a healthy lifestyle: ditching guilt
Would you like a healthy lifestyle to be sustainable rather than overwhelming? If so, you’d best get rid of guilt. Health coach Zena le Roux reframes self-reproach around eating and exercising, explains which “external voices” should be disregarded, and advocates understanding of the gut-brain connection and other aspects of holistic well-being.
Jou onbewuste kan keer dat jy gewig verloor
Hoewel die persepsie dat maer wees gelyk is aan mooi wees toenemend vervaag, bly gewigsverlies om gesondheids- en ander redes vir baie mense belangrik. Opvoedkundige sielkundige Karin Bronkhorst praat oor die verband tussen emosies en eetpatrone, wanneer ‘n gebrek aan selfbeheersing geen rol speel nie, wat hipnoterapie behels en hoe die behandeling van kwessies soos trauma tot gesonder gedragspatrone kan lei.
Growing older: how to flourish
Would you like to become a shining example of 80 being the new 60? This is not dependent on your genes. Dr. Christiane Northrup urges us to let go of ageism and the expectation of physical decline by rewiring our brains and changing our lifestyle. The earlier we start, the better!