How to break out of your comfort zone
To reach a personal or business goal, you need to leave your comfort zone. Business coach Di-Di Hoffman discusses the art of moving among your comfort, growth and danger zones, 5 pointers for venturing beyond your comfort zone, the wisdom of replacing the A to B model by the quest model, and the 4 elements of a quest. Drawing on his experience as the initiator of 7 businesses, Di-Di suggests how to build one’s confidence.
Di-Di Hoffman
If you are new to podcasts, simply click on the arrow to listen to Di-Di and Mariette, or on the download button to download the conversation onto your device.
Heart-rending news: Di-Di suffered a massive heart attack a week after we recorded an episode on Mastermind groups on the 3rd of January, 2023. He is sorely missed.
In ep. 62 of the weekly podcast series Calm, Clear and Helpful, Di-Di explains
why the word “badass” features prominently in his work
what “making rain” means in a business context
how to navigate your comfort, growth and danger zones
why you should not step directly from your comfort zone into your danger zone
5 suggestions for breaking out of your comfort zone and building skill and confidence
the 2 models for approaching a personal or business endeavour: the straight line model versus the stepping stone model
the elements of a quest: a clear goal, challenge, sacrifice and calling
what to do when you doubt yourself
why it often “takes a village”
Di-Di’s advice on avoiding 3 common mistakes when cooking with herbs.
PR, media and branding coach Magriet Potgieter explains why, in the world of work, your story is your superpower.
Feel free to click on Home and browse this website for articles and podcasts on more fulfilling love relationships, easier parenting, and upping your emotional well-being.
About Di-Di
Hoffman is a business development specialist, the founder of the BadassPreneurs Business School, host of the Badass Wellness Coach Show and publisher of the Reluctant Rainmaker’s Quest, a newsletter on LinkedIn. He is the Principal and Business Development Director of The Herb Academy and a former president of the South African Nursery Association.
The free podcast series Calm, Clear & Helpful is available on iTunes, Spotify, Player FM and
Music by Mart-Marie Snyman
Thumbnail image: Pexels. Model used.
Photograph of Di-Di Hoffman: supplied