Dr Julia Kukard: finding joy and fluidity in stuckness
Is being stuck a hellhole of despair or a friend enabling our growth? Psychotherapist and coach Dr Julia Kukard explains why stuckness indicates a disconnect between our inner and outer world, 3 losses we suffer and can recover, and the 5 stages of the stuckness cycle. Citing memorable case studies, she invites us to get stuck often - and develop the skills to recover quickly. Sponsored content.
Fear, your Podcast, and that little inner voice
Are you – or do you desire to be - a podcaster? Podcast profit strategist Donna Kunde offers clarity on making friends with fear, calming your inner voice, cultivating the mindset of success, and crafting a unique message that resonates with your audience. Practical advice for anyone finding themselves in front of a microphone and wishing to show up authentically.
Understanding and managing food trauma
Individuals who have an unhealthy relationship with food don’t necessarily realise that this is the case. Movement and energy specialist Tami Folkenflik shares her own story of food trauma, which caused intense emotional distress. She explains how she supports clients in their healing journeys and advises family members on how to approach their loved one experiencing a debilitating relationship with food.
Meet your gut: key to your health and happiness
Living a productive and relatively stress-free life has more to do with a healthy gut than we may realise. Naturopath and wellness coach Dr Francois du Toit discusses the microbiome, probiotics, the biology behind a “gut feeling” and how gut health affects brain function, mental health & sleep. He offers advice on factors crucial to healing and tips on how to best support your gut.
Ben Gioia: facing death, personal evolution, and writing bestsellers fast
How can writing a book be a game changer in your entrepreneurial journey? Best-selling author and book coach Ben Gioia shares arresting experiences from his life and the lessons he’s learnt: how to write a high-quality book fast, how to leverage it even before it’s published, achieving influence with integrity, and implementing the single thing that helps an entrepreneur navigate curve balls.
Happy with the reward and recognition you get at work?
Do you love your job – or not? Master life coach Judy Klipin discusses her new book on making work work for you. It targets 8 areas from the world of work and offers practical tools for either changing unsatisfactory circumstances or improving the way you view and manage them. Learn how to get and receive feedback, or ask for a promotion or a raise.
Knowing your money archetypes can improve your relationship with money
Do you struggle with making, keeping, spending or investing money? Wealth matrix mentor Farhana Goga explains how knowing your money blueprint can free you from guilt and shame, and how “doing the work” can heal money-related trauma, dissolve anxiety and fear, and empower you to attain financial freedom. Sponsored content.
Adjusting to motherhood: an honest discussion
A new baby often takes centre stage, while its mother’s needs are put aside. Business & confidence coach Gosia Scarrott sheds light on new moms’ conflicting emotions, loss of identity and self-worth, loneliness, and unhelpful beliefs. Speaking from her own experience, she offers practical advice that can help moms rebuild their confidence, embrace their new identity and connect with their heart and soul.
Understanding functional medicine and its benefits
Functional medicine, an individualised approach that treats not by symptom but by cause, leads to more lasting results. Functional medicine health coach Anita Hamilton-Williams discusses its success regarding chronic conditions; its focus on genetics, biochemistry, nutrition, lifestyle and behaviour changes; and why genetics needn’t determine our disease profile. She mentions the tests she uses, case studies, and good news concerning ageing.
Micro-mastermind groups: the how and why
Have you discovered the potency and growth potential of mastermind groups? Business development specialist Di-Di Hoffman explains what masterminding is, its objectives and benefits, and how you can start and run a micro-mastermind group successfully. He emphasises mistakes to avoid, the importance of accountability, and the “magic” that happens when a group gels.
Non-verbal communication: secrets women should know
Understanding the differences in the way men and women communicate, can ease life at work and at home. Through her science-backed work, body language expert Tania Steyn reconnects people with their “primary language” by increasing self-awareness. She points out dissimilarities between the sexes’ communication styles, and non-verbal behaviour traps women can avoid to develop leadership presence. Learn more about lunch chasers, fire gazers and nest builders, and why you shouldn’t cross your arms in the workplace.
How I’ve conquered cancer seasons and a stroke
NLP coach Cherona D shares her journey with skin cancer and an ear stroke, which left her unable to hear the words she speaks. Explaining how she - an international speaker - manages this loss, she talks about discerning between her emotions and reality, what she can and cannot control, her vulnerability and faith, the therapy that brought relief, and the mistakes cancer and stroke patients should avoid. This is also the poignant story of Albus Malachi, the service dog.
How do the profiling instruments in your coach’s toolbox serve you?
Business & executive coach Dawn Klatzko discusses the objectives of coaching, the importance of a chemistry check, and how coaches use profiling instruments to help their clients achieve their goals. She illuminates the neuroscience-based Mind Dynamix Profile Instrument, explaining why our “experts” power down during stress and how Mind Moves tap into neuroplasticity.
Why your circumstances needn’t hold you back
““We need to stop limiting ourselves,” says Rooksana Modan, multi-skilled coach and serial entrepreneur. Developing a conducive mindset is essential. Having overcome many challenges, Rooksana offers practical examples of limiting beliefs from her career and personal life. She tells riveting stories of flourishing in “male environments,” touches on energy healing and reveals daily practices that sustain her get-up-and-go.
Weight, health, body image, and the psychology of eating
“We’re not really broken, we’re just not tuned to our bodies,” says mind-body eating and wellness coach Bev Liebson. “Good nutrition involves both what we eat and who we are as eaters.” Bev highlights the question of “good” versus “bad” food, factors influencing digestion and calorie burning, befriending your body, and rewriting your food story.
Why we never experience challenge without support
Candidly sharing a series of personal challenges, homeopath and transformational health coach Dr. Loretta Ferrucci explains how she uncovered the support embedded in them, and gained significant insights into herself and her true needs. She discusses our tendency to view reality in a one-sided way and offers a more satisfying alternative.
Menopause can be a powerful, rewarding journey
Menopause leaves many women feeling undervalued, invisible, and unsure of their identity or where they belong. Therapeutic counsellor Nidhi Amanda Chaitow explains how we can navigate this process of transformation, relinquishing certain roles and dealing with anger and pain - finally stepping into our authenticity and strength as sacred, wise women.
An end-of-life doula’s insights into living and dying consciously
In our society, death isn’t readily discussed. It is also one of our biggest fears. Therapeutic counsellor Nidhi Amanda Chaitow explains what a death doula does, how acknowledging the reality of death can positively impact our lives, what “a beautiful death” means, and how creativity can help us feel more connected. Nidhi talks about her own grieving process following the recent loss of her beloved.
How playing and storytelling can boost your professional and personal life
In our personal lives, we tell stories all the time. In the world of work, your story is your superpower: an effective marketing tool. PR, media & branding coach Magriet Potgieter explains how to present your story to create connection and trust. She discusses the relationship between play and creativity, how trauma can stifle the imagination and how this can be addressed
How to break out of your comfort zone
To reach a personal or business goal, you need to leave your comfort zone. Business coach Di-Di Hoffman discusses the art of moving among your comfort, growth and danger zones, 5 pointers for venturing beyond your comfort zone, the wisdom of replacing the A to B model by the quest model, and the 4 elements of a quest. Drawing on his experience as the initiator of 7 businesses, Di-Di suggests how to build one’s confidence.