What are the challenges for 60-plussers?
Did you know there are approximately seven million 60-plussers in South Africa? Discussing the potential and challenges of this demographic, social entrepreneur Marilyn Hallett highlights a sensible approach to technical, financial, housing as well as physical and mental health difficulties. She encourages individuals to start a second career after retirement and points them to relevant information, senior citizen discounts, savings and benefits.
Marilyn Hallett
If you are new to podcasts, simply click on the arrow to listen to Marilyn and Mariette, or on the download button to download the conversation onto your device.
In ep. 92 of the weekly podcast series Calm, Clear and Helpful, Marilyn clarifies
the story behind her platform, You’ve Earned It
how she plunged into early retirement to launch her online business
the sheer size and diversity of the 60-plus generation
the economic power of the “silver tsunami”
the difference between ageing and longevity
why retirement isn’t necessarily the Utopia many people expect
the importance of having a purpose
unique retirement challenges, including loneliness, depression and financial difficulties
the digital divide and how it affects South African seniors
specific housing challenges and solutions such as the “Golden Girls scenario”
whether retirement is becoming an archaic concept
why You’ve Earned It also reaches younger people
Marilyn’s 3 tips for living a joyous and fulfilling life.
Scroll down for more info on Marilyn and You’ve Earned It.
After health challenges including stress fractures, basal cell carcinomas, colon cancer, Covid pneumonia, a shoulder replacement and lymphoedema, Marilyn explains why she’s reaching for the stars.
Read more about Marilyn, the person behind the professional.
Feel free to click on Home and browse this website for articles and podcasts on more fulfilling love relationships, easier parenting, and upping your emotional well-being.
Contact details
Marilyn Hallett is the founder of You’ve Earned It, or commonly known as YEI. YEI is the digital media platform for South African 60-plussers. YEI features relevant, on-point, informative and interesting articles geared at this age group, and also showcases discounts, savings and benefits for SA retirees, seniors, pensioners and baby boomers. YEI has been online for 11 years and was preceded by the YEI book published by Juta’s in 2008. Previously, Marilyn spent 30 years working in academic recruitment at the University of Cape Town.
YEI platform:
You’ve Earned It – the digital media platform for SA 60-plussers
Website: http://youve-earned-it.co.za
Newsletters: http://youve-earned-it.co.za/e-newsletters/
YEI Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/youveearnedit
Sign up on a YEI WhatsApp group: https://youve-earned-it.co.za/join-a-yei-whatsapp-group/
Good news: ageing needn’t lead to decline. Dr. Hannetjie van Zyl-Edeling debunks 3 myths about ageing.
Read dr. Christiane Northrup’s advice on changing your mindset and lifestyle to grow older with gusto.
The free podcast series Calm, Clear & Helpful is available on iTunes, Spotify, Player FM and Iono.fm.
Original music by Mart-Marie Snyman
Thumbnail image: Unsplash. Model used.
Photograph of Marilyn Hallett: supplied