Seksuele identiteit: ‘n keuse, of meer kompleks en divers?
Kies mense hul seksuele oriëntasie? Watter 4 fasette behels seksuele identiteit? Pastorale narratiewe terapeut dr. Marietjie van Loggerenberg belig wetenskaplike navorsing wat epigenetika insluit, seksuele vloeibaarheid en die uitsluiting van gay, transgender, interseks en ander mense - onder meer in ‘n geloofskonteks.
My son has Tourette’s: a parent’s journey
Since there’s no cure for Tourette Syndrome, where does one find hope? Transformational coach Cherona Dannhauser shares valuable insights from journeying with Luke (17), such as addressing co-occurring conditions, identifying internal and external triggers, and exploring strategies to navigate motor and vocal tics. Understanding this neurodevelopmental disorder is key to emotional balance and constructive self-advocacy.
Help your little one learn about identity, belonging and consent
Learning about identity, belonging and consent - and knowing which adults are “safe” - can help young children deal with life challenges more easily. Early childhood development specialist Mari Payne explains how the edutainment television show ‘Takalani Sesame’ equips littles ones in a playful way. She suggests fun activities for parents, teachers and caregivers. Sponsored content.
How to manage the medical, emotional and practical aspects of cancer
Palliative care nursing sister Cherry Armstrong’s “Cancer: navigating the journey” helps cancer patients and their loved ones face this challenge, from the time of diagnosis to remission or terminal stages. Cherry addresses common questions and fears, treatments, side effects, medical aids, nutrition, complementary therapies, caring for a loved one, and what to say and do. Cherry speaks from experience - and from the heart. Sponsored content.
Low vision: what it is and where to find help
Much of the information processed by the brain is visual, yet few of us know how to approach low vision. Occupational therapist Belinda Leibowitz clarifies its causes, assessments, professionals who can help, and why visually impaired persons needn’t give up their hobbies. She considers whether visual impairment is a normal part of ageing, where to find information, and offers simple tips and techniques to foster independence.
How birth can shape a brain-body system geared towards resilience
Skin-to-skin contact during the 6 hours after birth has an enormous impact on the bond between Baby, Mom and Dad. Childbirth educator Cozette Laubser from BabyGym® describes how this affects a baby’s brain and those of its parents, and the role played by the triune brain, oxytocin, dopamine and cortisol. She offers practical guidelines for babies born prematurely or by Caesarean section - and supporting bonding once Baby goes home.
Healthy lifestyle choices: prevent insulin resistance and diabetes
An estimated 1 in 3 adults have pre-diabetes. Food writer Vickie de Beer introduces a hands-on guide to understanding and managing Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes as well as insulin resistance. She highlights low carb living as a long-term solution for children, adults, women in menopause and older individuals. Fortunately, the low carb recipes in “Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Handbook” are delicious! Sponsored content.
Kry jou vreugde terug na ‘n geliefde se selfdood
Om 'n geliefde te verloor beteken nie die wond sal nooit genees nie, sê grief coach en skrywer Marlene Potgieter. Toe haar seun 11 jaar gelede sy lewe beëindig het, het haar pad van rousmart begin. Sy praat oor die skok, skaamte, woede, misplaaste skuldgevoelens, ervaring van verwerping, en hoekom rousmart nie net ‘n toestand is nie, maar ook ‘n werkwoord.
How I experienced my mother’s death
Have you lost your mom, or do you dread her passing? Angel whisperer Belinda Bras-Nel shares her own experience, highlighting the complexity of some mother-daugher relationships, our need to be loved and nurtured, what soul contracts involve, and the importance of allowing feminine or mother energy to flow through us - no matter who we are.
The Lyno Method: addressing chronic pain and injuries by releasing unresolved trauma
Did you know that unresolved physical and emotional trauma can cause chronic pain and recurring injuries? Physiotherapist Benita Kropman explains how the Lyno® Method identifies and facilitates the release of fascia restrictions by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, restoring mobility to individuals including athletes, babies and the elderly.
Adjusting to motherhood: an honest discussion
A new baby often takes centre stage, while its mother’s needs are put aside. Business & confidence coach Gosia Scarrott sheds light on new moms’ conflicting emotions, loss of identity and self-worth, loneliness, and unhelpful beliefs. Speaking from her own experience, she offers practical advice that can help moms rebuild their confidence, embrace their new identity and connect with their heart and soul.
A good-enough dad against the background of Western society
Clinical psychologist Jeffrey Rink emphasises the concept of a “good-enough” dad and considers what a “good-enough” society would look like. Which elements should our society address? Can spirituality significantly contribute to easing fathers’ role, and also assist in a broader societal context? And what about psychotherapy? Join Jeffrey in his probing of these profound questions.
Three moms: “This helps me stay sane”
While we love our children deeply, parenting is definitely not for the faint-hearted. Three moms share their views of the challenges and joys of motherhood and offer practical insights, coping ideas and strategies.
Effective communication: Can your parenting style help prevent narcissism?
The causes contributing to the development of narcissism are complex and include genetics, neurobiology, and environmental factors such as culture and parenting. Body language expert Tania Steyn discusses parenting style as one possible contributor to the development of narcissistic traits and explains how effective nonverbal communication - including eye contact, mirroring and fronting - can foster bonding and help children build empathy.
Starting a family? Crucial questions on parenting, pregnancy and birth
Prospective parents often find decisions regarding birth route, birth care provider, caring for a newborn, etc. daunting. BabyGym Institute programme director and childbirth educator Cozette Laubser offers guidance on being ready for parenthood, financial concerns, choosing experts wisely, babies’ brain development, skin-to-skin contact, practical decision making, and reducing the stress parenthood brings.
Postnatal depression: when to get help
South Africa is one of the 5 countries with the highest postpartum depression rates worldwide. The stigma attached to this condition makes it hard for new moms to admit they’re not coping. Counselling psychologist Luricka Fick discusses the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of postnatal depression, the question of “fantasy versus reality”, and sensible steps a mom or her loved ones should take.
Egskeiding: vars oplossings vir die betaling van onderhoud en ouersamewerking
Hoewel versuim om onderhoud te betaal ‘n kriminele oortreding is, ontvang talle primêre versorgers nie die onderhoud wat hulle of hul kinders toekom nie. ‘n Nuwe inisiatief verhoed dat onderhoudwanbetalers voortgaan om krediet te ontvang terwyl hulle onderhoud verskuldig is – en ‘n nuwe toep help geskeide ouers om misverstande en konflik te beperk. (Hierdie artikel het in die Februarie 2023-uitgawe van ‘rooi rose’ verskyn.)
Discovering your power in the dark: load shedding & other challenges
South Africans are daily plunged into the dark by intermittent electricity supply – but have we been robbed of our inner energy? Rudi Swanepoel explains how we can channel our personal power in a solution-focused way, the benefits of harnessing group energy, and how parents can use their energy to empower their children - in particular the parents of teens and young adults.
Help your little one deal with big feelings
Many parents, caregivers and young children are feeling stressed out, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. Mari Payne, involved in Takalani Sesame, explains how adults can recognise overwhelming feelings in kids and support them; what is necessary for children to thrive; and why self-care for adults is so important. She offers easy and practical tips for calming down a child – and yourself!
How to communicate with your teenager
Finding talking to your teen an uphill battle? Psychologist, coach and dad Hennie Vorster throws light on the development of adolescents’ logical-rational faculties, the power of their emotions, the world they inhabit, and why so many struggle with anxiety. He advises listening for emotion, guiding teens to focus on what is in their control, and using choices and consequences as parenting tools.