Nurture your child’s emotional growth – and your mutual bond
Young kids’ and tweens’ emotional health seldom gets the attention it deserves. Actress Milan Murray, collaborating with mental health experts, has created journals for 6-to-13-year-olds prompting reflection and self-understanding. Exploring their identity in an age-appropriate way – and being part of The My Story Tribe - helps them stand stronger, set healthy boundaries, overcome challenges, and have fun!
How do the profiling instruments in your coach’s toolbox serve you?
Business & executive coach Dawn Klatzko discusses the objectives of coaching, the importance of a chemistry check, and how coaches use profiling instruments to help their clients achieve their goals. She illuminates the neuroscience-based Mind Dynamix Profile Instrument, explaining why our “experts” power down during stress and how Mind Moves tap into neuroplasticity.
My son has diabetes: our low-carb lifestyle
Discovering that your child has Type-1 diabetes is traumatic. Knowing that a coma may be fatal, making optimal, sustainable lifestyle changes, and successfully managing your child’s school and social life creates constant stress. Food writer Vickie de Beer shares what this path has taught her, and how the advantages of a low-carb lifestyle inspired her to write best-selling cookbooks.
How to manage conflict in your personal relationships
None of us is immune to relationship fallouts. Counselling psychologist Dr. Hannetjie van Zyl-Edeling clarifies what conflict entails, its purpose, causes and effects, and explains what happens in your body during a quarrel. She recommends rules for fair fighting and reveals the secret behind handling disagreements really well.
Are you a tired, sleep-deprived mom?
Occupational therapist Tanya Muir sheds light on sleep problems encountered by parents, babies and young kids. Combining evidence-based solutions with her experience as a mom, Tanya explains how sleep deprivation can affect caregivers’ physical and mental health, weight loss after pregnancy, and love relationships. She offers practical interventions for getting better sleep all round.
Seksuele molestering: ‘n potensieel beperkende ervaring
Seksuele molestering en verkragting is algemener as wat ons dink en die oortreders is dikwels vertrouelinge. Pastorale narratiewe terapeut dr. Marietjie van Loggerenberg praat deernisvol oor die gepaardgaande trauma, misplaaste skaamte en skuldgevoelens, en geheimhouding. Sy verduidelik hoe seksuele misbruik in narratiewe terapie benader word: jy kán jou beperkende identiteitsverhaal herskryf. Sensitiewe inhoud, vir volwasse luisteraars bedoel.
Are YOU an empath?
Do you feel others’ emotions in your body? Are you sometimes called “too sensitive”? Master transformation coach Liezl Thom explains how this gift can become a curse – but that awareness of what’s going on, realising that you can choose not to experience others’ feelings, and learning how to close yourself off when necessary will transform you into an empowered empath.
How is teacher burnout influencing my child?
We entrust our children to their teachers, but teachers are suffering, says developmental specialist Dr. Melodie de Jager. She discusses the current reality, roles and contribution of especially foundation phase teachers; how teachers have been affected by the pandemic, secondary trauma, compassion fatigue, bullying behaviour, a lack of recognition and burnout; and simple mind shifts that can boost their resilience. A must-listen for caring parents.
Caregivers: prioritising yourself while caring for others
Individuals caring for a loved one or someone with a challenging condition often neglect their own well-being. This can result in exhaustion on top of experiencing fear, anxiety and even guilt. Caregiver advocate Meriam Boldewijn explains how a simple self-care system can help caregivers regain their balance and realise that they are “worthy of a wonderful life too.”
The beneficial role of mediation in schools
Sas Otto, accredited mediator and experienced educator, explains how mediation or alternative dispute resolution can be used in schools to resolve conflict creatively and effectively. It can be used in a variety of cases, including disciplinary problems and disputes resulting from peer pressure, bullying or abuse. Sas clarifies the ground rules, principles, advantages, duration and cost of mediation and shows how mediation can take hands with restorative justice, which relies on reconciliation rather than punishment.
How does the force of gravity affect your child’s development?
A ground-breaking book offers important scientific discoveries about the influence of gravity and the vestibular system on children’s physical, emotional, social and intellectual development. Dr. Melodie de Jager explains how delayed milestones, poor sensory integration, autism, anxiety disorders and other challenges can, in many cases, be improved through “movement as medicine”.
Divorce mediation: how it works and why it’s a good choice
Couples who are getting divorced needn’t go to court. Laurie Greyvenstein, accredited family mediator, clarifies mediation or alternative dispute resolution (ADR). He points out why divorce mediation is much cheaper, faster and more flexible, and explains concepts such as maintenance, parenting plans, and the voice of the child.
Pregnant? The story behind the app that could become your best friend
“My Pregnancy Journey” is a comprehensive educational – and beautiful - mobile app focused on South Africa and the African continent, created by Jacqui Rogers. Aimed at smoothing the ride for moms to be and changing the distressing birth stats prevalent in many developing countries, it has won both local and international awards. Jacqui talks about developing the app, its features, its affordability, the scope for expansion - and how it has changed her life.
Bullying affects children and adults: how this can be approached
“Behind the smile, a hidden knife”: have you or a loved one ever been targeted? Bullying occurs everywhere: in families, at school, at work and in cyberspace. Clinical social worker Morag Scordilis discusses the imbalance of power at the heart of bullying, examples of physical, verbal and social bullying, and the effect on our relationships and sense of self. She offers helpful insights, strategies and tools.
Hoekom ‘n seun moet voel hy’t ‘n pa
Meer as 60% van die kinders in Suid-Afrika word sonder ‘n pa groot. Dan is daar seuns met pa’s wat fisiek teenwoordig is, maar op ander vlakke afwesig. In sy boek Seuns sonder pa’s ondersoek joernalis Julian Jansen die oorsake en gevolge van hierdie diep verwonding en vertel hy die verhaal van sy eie pa: die held, maar ook die skurk van hulle gesin. Julian gesels met Mariette Snyman oor sy boek, nuwe navorsing oor vaderloosheid, en praktiese en geestelike oplossings.
Raad vir ouers wat hoor hul kind is gay: hoe nou verder?
Pastorale narratiewe terapeut dr. Marietjie van Loggerenberg praat oor die hantering van ‘n kind wat uit die kas kom, skok en skaamte, wanpersepsies rakende gay-wees, en die vrees vir verwerping en seksueel oordraagbare siektes. Sy gee raad - ook vir ouers wat ‘n geloofstryd beleef - en omlyn 7 stappe na die uiteindelike aanvaarding van ‘n kind se seksuele oriëntasie. Sensitiewe inhoud: dié gesprek is vir volwassenes bedoel.
Women and sexually transmitted infections: dealing with stigma and shame
Being sexually active can lead to contracting an STI. Dr. Jireh Serfontein, medical doctor and sexologist, talks about common sexually transmitted infections, their symptoms, testing, treatment and the effect on one’s health and intimate relationship. She discusses the management of shame, stigma and “STI phobia”.
Teenagers: understanding who they are and what they need
Do you need a manual for your teen? A book written by a psychiatrist for teens and their parents clarifies the changes in teenagers’ brains and bodies; the challenges they face; and the support they require to form a healthy identity. Dr. Terri Henderson explains how knowledge and informed choices can lessen anxiety, strengthen relationships, and ensure a better outcome for all.
Hoe mans en vroue se rouproses na ‘n geliefde se dood verskil
Elke mens treur anders. Ds. Braam Klopper, pastorale terapeut en rouspesialis, verduidelik hoe die manier waarop iemand sterf en ander faktore ons hantering van smart beïnvloed. Ons moet ook verstaan dat mans en vroue droefheid verskillend verwerk. Begrip vir uiteenlopende roupatrone, sienings van lojaliteit en benaderings tot intimiteit maak dit makliker om mekaar te ondersteun.
My kind is gay: 12 vrae wat ouers vra
Wanneer jy hoor jou dogter is lesbies of jou seun is gay, het jy sinvolle inligting en advies nodig. Dr. Marietjie van Loggerenberg, pastorale narratiewe terapeut, bespreek navorsing oor die oorsake van homoseksualiteit, wanopvattings en die vrees vir verwerping, opbouende kommunikasie, en die geloofstryd wat gelowige ouers (en hul gay kind) mag beleef.
Sensitiewe inhoud: bespreking van onder meer seksuele oriëntasie. Dié gesprek is vir volwassenes bedoel.