Balancing family relationships when a parent has a limiting condition
A parent’s loss of capacity can be temporary or long-term and may include physical disability, mental health issues, ageing - even stress. Low vision consultant Jenny Webster describes how changing your thinking around limitation can help you find practical solutions, foster independence, and ease relationships. She talks about the challenges, bonuses and what keeps her going on her journey with Stargardt’s disease.
What would you like to tell your 16-year-old self?
What happened when you were sixteen? Were you dealing with challenges, triumphs, or a monotonous existence? Counselling psychologist Eleen Polson invites us to reflect on our own, inner 16-year-old self in ways that help us reconnect with our body, creativity, and free-flowing feminine energy. She explains how sisterhood can nourish this experience, and that being unsure of the outcome needn’t deter us from trusting the process of development and growth.
Covid grief and grieving: how BWRT can help
Losing a loved one has always been hard, but the pandemic has led to people dying alone in hospital, impacted on funerals, and contributed to a lack of closure in those left behind. Clinical psychologist Rafiq Lockhat describes how bereavement entails shock, functioning on autopilot, grappling with anger, sadness and guilt, and negotiating the readjustment phase. He explains how BrainWorking® Recursive Therapy can relieve intense pain in the case of normal as well as complicated grief.
Sensitive content: suicide is mentioned. Sponsored content.
Non-violent communication: this is how it works
Non-violent communication, pioneered by Marshall Rosenberg, involves a paradigm shift that makes us more aware of our feelings, fosters respect for ourselves and others, and deepens connection. Counselling psychologist Eleen Polson explains how we can get our needs met by moving away from judgement, blame, expectations and demands and by expressing our position in an authentic, non-threatening manner.
Mind Dynamix: explore your brain in 3D
No-one enters the world with an operating manual for their brain - but developmental specialist Dr. Melodie de Jager’s neuroscience-based programme, Mind Dynamix, comes close. Understanding your integrated profile, your strengths, and how your brain functions under stress sheds light on your “fit” in your work context, intimate relationship, etc. Moreover, you can use targeted movements to rewire your brain for a more fulfilled life. This podcast includes an exercise to help you discover your preferred sensory modality. Sponsored content.
Once you learn to read, you’ll be forever free
Reading with comprehension is the foundation of academic achievement, yet many children have reading difficulties. For South Africans, the PIRLS study was an unsettling wake-up call. Developmental specialist Dr. Melodie de Jager explains why the brain and the body must be ready to learn to read, and how the force of gravity is involved. She introduces a ground-breaking reading readiness programme based on neuroscience, ticking all the boxes to prepare children to learn to read – and, in time, become fully literate.
Covid-19: are you experiencing survivor’s guilt?
When you survive a life-threatening situation, pandemic or other trauma during which someone else suffered or died, you may be overcome by guilt. This is commonly known as “survivor’s guilt”. Specialist psychiatrist Dr Kerryn Armstrong talks about “Covid-19 survivor’s guilt”, possible causes, signs, treatment, and its relationship to post-traumatic stress disorder. She offers practical strategies for coping and regaining your trust in yourself and the world.
How to recognise and cope with OCD
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a stressful condition that can become chronic if left untreated. Prof. Christine Lochner talks about the symptoms and causes of OCD, and how it is diagnosed and treated. She invites South Africans to participate in a voluntary, cost-free OCD study conducted in Cape Town and explains who may be included.
Emotional challenges accompanying ADHD: how BWRT can help
Educational psychologist Hannelie Spies explains how she supports teenagers and university students with ADHD by helping them improve their Executive Functioning, and by using BWRT® to address the emotional challenges caused by living with ADHD. These traumas include being misunderstood, bullying, low self-worth, anger issues, depression, and general, social or exam anxiety. Case studies illustrate the efficacy of this parallel approach.
Psigiese siektes: so help jy jou geliefde en jouself
Het jy of iemand ná aan jou ‘n psigiese siekte? Joernalis Pieter van Zyl praat oor sy boek, “Verhale van hoop: só help jy jou geliefde en jouself”, vir mense wat met ‘n uitdaging soos depressie, angsversteuring, opgaarsindroom of obsessief-kompulsiewe versteuring saamleef. Hy vertel waar die aangrypende verhale in sy boek vandaan kom; van sy eie pad met angsversteuring, major depressie en ‘n lewensmaat met bipolariteit; en hoe die navorsing en praktiese raad in sy boek uit sy eie dringende behoefte aan hulp gebore is.
3 reasons why being a dad may be hard
Being a father can be complicated, especially when you’ve known “fatherlessness.” Even boys who live with their fathers often have little opportunity to experience the meaning of manhood first-hand. The consequences include the universal wound many men carry, father hunger, and a deep sense of loneliness. Here are some practical ways to address these issues and to foster fathers’ connection with their children.
Boost your chances for natural fertility and conception
Many couples long for a baby but are struggling to fall pregnant. Counselling psychologist and hypnotherapist Karin Steyn clarifies the Fertile Body Method, a holistic approach to male and female infertility including psycho-education, lifestyle considerations, hypnosis, visualisation and other forms of support. A couple’s relationship is strengthened and their fertility goals and expectations of parenthood are explored in a safe environment.
This can make moms’ lives easier
There’s a reason why babies are called bundles of joy, but while motherhood is a great privilege it can also feel like an enormous responsibility, especially for moms set on “getting it right”. Three warm-hearted women - a psychologist, social worker and clinical social worker - with children and grandchildren of their own offer aha moments, sensible approaches and practical tips that have helped them negotiate parenthood.
Verstaan depressie: het jou geliefde die siekte van ons tyd?
Maatskaplike werker Annette de la Porte het nie net werkservaring van depressie nie, maar het 34 jaar met depressie in die huis saamgeleef. As jy oor iemand besorg is en self swaarkry, is Annette se verduideliking van wat in die brein gebeur, die simptome en die behandeling van depressie inssiggewend. Sy gee praktiese raad oor die emosionele en ander gevolge vir die persoon met depressie sowel as vir die huismense, en hoe om dit te hanteer.
HypnoBirthing: why it’s good for Mom, Baby - and Dad!
Although the safety and well-being of both Mom and Baby remain the foremost concern during childbirth, parents now have more choices: where their child should be born, who to include in their birth team, and what type of birth they prefer. Counselling psychologist and hypnotherapist Karin Steyn discusses the advantages of HypnoBirthing®, an approach to natural birth involving deep relaxation, releasing fear, tapping Nature’s own anaesthesia during labour, and “breathing down” you baby instead of “pushing”.
Natuurlike geboorte: wanneer is dit die beste keuse?
In baie lande word ‘n natuurlike geboorte toenemend as die beste opsie vir ‘n gesonde ma met ‘n normale swangerskap beskou. Is dit veilig – en is dit gewens? Geboorte-opvoedkundige Cozette Laubser belig die voorwaardes vir en voordele van ‘n bevalling sonder mediese ingrepe, onder die oog van ‘n opgeleide vroedvrou. Sy bespreek die ideale geboorteomgewing, die geboortespan, die rol van hormone in die kraamproses, die “fetus ejection reflex” en natuurlike en farmaseutiese maniere om pyn te beheer.
How BWRT eases children’s experiences of death and trauma
We are all affected by the death of a loved one, but children can be particularly vulnerable. Clinical psychologist Shelley Hall explains how to support a grieving child and which signs could indicate that professional help is required. Recounting the case of an 8-year-old who witnessed her father shoot her mother and grandparents, Shelley illustrates the efficacy of BrainWorking® Recursive Therapy.
Hoe om ouderdomsgepas met jou kind oor die dood te praat
Ons kan kinders nie weghou van die dood nie: hulle kom dit in rekenaarspeletjies en die media teë. Volwassenes is dalk ongemaklik met die onderwerp, maar sodra ‘n kind direk geraak word, het ons die regte woorde nodig. Alta Bence van die CHOC Childhood Cancer-stigting gee riglyne oor hoe om die dood te verduidelik, ons eie hartseer te deel, wanneer ‘n kind ‘n oorledene se liggaam moet sien, en hoe om ‘n kind met ‘n terminale siekte te begelei.
How BrainWorking Recursive Therapy can curb anxiety
The Corona pandemic has increased the incidence of anxiety, whether generalised or more specific - such as performance anxiety. Clinical social worker Morag Scordilis uses case studies to illustrate how children, teenagers and adults can benefit from BWRT® and why it is a fast, cost effective solution.
Giving your baby the best pregnancy and birth experience
Developmental specialist dr. Melodie de Jager introduces a free, weekly blog for the woman who wants to be a mother but doesn’t know where to start. “The Art of Co-creating” will also interest dads, grandparents, and anyone fascinated by the science behind the shaping of a baby. Melodie tells Mariette about fictional characters Zani and Jake’s compelling journey - navigating their emotions, seeking clarity, and making choices informed by scientific research on preconceptual care, prenatal development, birth, and other key subjects.