Parenting, Emotional health Mariette Snyman Parenting, Emotional health Mariette Snyman

Do you or your child have a sensory integration issue?

Do you know someone who is particularly choosy about food, avoids crowds in shopping malls, struggles with eye-hand coordination, or has difficulty functioning in an open-plan office? The cause could be sensory integration dysfunction or SID. Occupational therapist Charlene Cruickshank describes sensory discrimination and modulation, the two extremes of poor sensory processing, and how this disorder is identified and treated.

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Parenting, Challenge yourself, Emotional health Mariette Snyman Parenting, Challenge yourself, Emotional health Mariette Snyman

Is dit jou ideaal om ‘n supervrou te wees?

Of jy nou voltyds werk, enkellopend is, en kinders het of nie – die lewenspas is vinnig. By tye raak die eise eenvoudig net te veel. Kliniese sielkundige dr. Wilmien Human gesels eerlik oor maniere om ons balans te behou, en oor kopskuiwe wat ons kan help om ons eiesoortige, gesonde “supervrou-rol” te skep.

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Parenting, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Parenting, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Afwesige pa’s en die heilsame invloed van mentors

Hoe gemaak met die groot persentasie kinders in ons land wat nie ‘n pa in die huis het nie? Jaco van Schalkwyk van The Character Company verduidelik wat dit verg om ‘n seun informeel of deur ‘n organisasie te mentor, hoekom positiewe manlike rolmodelle so nodig is, die vyf waardes wat mentorskap kan versterk, en hoe enkelma’s ondersteun kan word.

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Brain profiling and coaching can give your life a lift

Face profiling is a startlingly accurate assessment tool that tells us a lot about our true self. Now add brain profiling, which sheds light on our brain preferences, and the road to goals such as working more efficiently or attaining a healthy weight suddenly opens up.  Face profiler and personal development coach Marthie Maré tells Mariette how this works.  

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Emotional health, Parenting Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Parenting Mariette Snyman

ODD: Do you have a stronger than strong-willed child?

Some children’s defiance has a neurological basis - it could be Oppositional Defiance Disorder, or ODD. A general practitioner with a special interest in neurological conditions describes what ODD is, which signs to look for, how it is diagnosed, and how it can be treated. Parents of children with ODD require additional support.  

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Parenting Mariette Snyman Parenting Mariette Snyman

Huiswerk: slim maniere om jou kind te help

Haal die angel uit huiswerk met hierdie praktiese wenke wat jou kind se breinfunksie, ontwikkelingsvlak en behoefte aan positiewe versterking in ag neem. ‘n Kundige gee raad oor wanneer en hoe om pouses in te bou en wat om te doen as huiswerk te veel raak . Loer veral na die pret wat julle met spelling kan hê!

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Parenting Mariette Snyman Parenting Mariette Snyman

Verstaan hoe jou tiener se brein gerat is

Hou jou tiener se impulsiewe optrede en gretigheid om nuwe dinge uit te toets - veral in ’n groep – jou snags wakker? Daar is ‘n wetenskaplike verklaring vir tieners se avontuurlus en oopheid. Lees hoe jy jou kind kan ondersteun.

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Parenting, Emotional health Mariette Snyman Parenting, Emotional health Mariette Snyman

Is jou kind ADHD of begaafd?

Met aandagafleibaarheid/hiperaktiwiteit is ons almal bekend, maar nie met begaafdheid nie. Gesinsberader en “transformational parenting coach” Mia von Scha skets die eienskappe van begaafdes, watter toestande of kwessies met ADHD verwar kan word, die voor- en nadele van “giftedness” en hoe om hierdie kinders te hanteer. Daarby het begaafde kinders meermale begaafde ouers!

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Parenting Mariette Snyman Parenting Mariette Snyman

Kan jy jou kind empatie leer?

Wat is empatie? Hoe verskil dit van simpatie? Wanneer is ouers skuldig aan “niebekragtiging”? Is daar mense wat nie empatie kan ervaar of toon nie? Dr. Ronél le Roux, emosionele intelligensiespesialis en terapeut, gee raad oor empatie in aksie en hoe om jou kind hierin te begelei.

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