Divorce mediation: how it works and why it’s a good choice
Couples who are getting divorced needn’t go to court. Laurie Greyvenstein, accredited family mediator, clarifies mediation or alternative dispute resolution (ADR). He points out why divorce mediation is much cheaper, faster and more flexible, and explains concepts such as maintenance, parenting plans, and the voice of the child.
Raad vir ouers wat hoor hul kind is gay: hoe nou verder?
Pastorale narratiewe terapeut dr. Marietjie van Loggerenberg praat oor die hantering van ‘n kind wat uit die kas kom, skok en skaamte, wanpersepsies rakende gay-wees, en die vrees vir verwerping en seksueel oordraagbare siektes. Sy gee raad - ook vir ouers wat ‘n geloofstryd beleef - en omlyn 7 stappe na die uiteindelike aanvaarding van ‘n kind se seksuele oriëntasie. Sensitiewe inhoud: dié gesprek is vir volwassenes bedoel.
Women and sexually transmitted infections: dealing with stigma and shame
Being sexually active can lead to contracting an STI. Dr. Jireh Serfontein, medical doctor and sexologist, talks about common sexually transmitted infections, their symptoms, testing, treatment and the effect on one’s health and intimate relationship. She discusses the management of shame, stigma and “STI phobia”.
Egskeiding: hoe om iemand wat skei te ondersteun
Die besluit om te skei, die egskeidingsproses en die aanpassing daarná is emosioneel uitmergelend en behels groot praktiese uitdagings. As jy iemand in hierdie situasie wil bystaan, moet jy dit oordeelkundig doen. Pastorale terapeut ds. Braam Klopper verduidelik hoe jy van hulp kan wees, wat om nié te doen nie en hoe om vertroulike inligting te hanteer. Hy gee ook raad oor die geloofsworsteling wat egskeiding vir gelowiges kan meebring.
Hoe mans en vroue se rouproses na ‘n geliefde se dood verskil
Elke mens treur anders. Ds. Braam Klopper, pastorale terapeut en rouspesialis, verduidelik hoe die manier waarop iemand sterf en ander faktore ons hantering van smart beïnvloed. Ons moet ook verstaan dat mans en vroue droefheid verskillend verwerk. Begrip vir uiteenlopende roupatrone, sienings van lojaliteit en benaderings tot intimiteit maak dit makliker om mekaar te ondersteun.
My kind is gay: 12 vrae wat ouers vra
Wanneer jy hoor jou dogter is lesbies of jou seun is gay, het jy sinvolle inligting en advies nodig. Dr. Marietjie van Loggerenberg, pastorale narratiewe terapeut, bespreek navorsing oor die oorsake van homoseksualiteit, wanopvattings en die vrees vir verwerping, opbouende kommunikasie, en die geloofstryd wat gelowige ouers (en hul gay kind) mag beleef.
Sensitiewe inhoud: bespreking van onder meer seksuele oriëntasie. Dié gesprek is vir volwassenes bedoel.
Balancing family relationships when a parent has a limiting condition
A parent’s loss of capacity can be temporary or long-term and may include physical disability, mental health issues, ageing - even stress. Low vision consultant Jenny Webster describes how changing your thinking around limitation can help you find practical solutions, foster independence, and ease relationships. She talks about the challenges, bonuses and what keeps her going on her journey with Stargardt’s disease.
Covid grief and grieving: how BWRT can help
Losing a loved one has always been hard, but the pandemic has led to people dying alone in hospital, impacted on funerals, and contributed to a lack of closure in those left behind. Clinical psychologist Rafiq Lockhat describes how bereavement entails shock, functioning on autopilot, grappling with anger, sadness and guilt, and negotiating the readjustment phase. He explains how BrainWorking® Recursive Therapy can relieve intense pain in the case of normal as well as complicated grief.
Sensitive content: suicide is mentioned. Sponsored content.
Independence in love relationships: the key to intimacy
We all have the need to love and be loved, but sometimes we seem to grow apart instead of closer to each other. Surprisingly, developing our individuality can strengthen intimacy. Sexuality counsellor André Webster explains different aspects of intimacy and offers tools for uncovering our own and our partners’ “back stories”, facilitating our individuation, and overcoming gridlock.
Premature ejaculation: causes, solutions, and how to talk about it
Premature ejaculation may affect up to one in three men, causing emotional distress and complicating intimate relationships. This is unnecessary since the condition is easy to treat. Dr. Jireh Serfontein - medical doctor, sexologist and clinical head of MySexualHealth Pretoria - clarifies PE, its possible causes, diagnosis and treatment, and offers advice to loving partners.
Sensitive content: Please note that this episode contains a candid discussion of sexual practices and is intended for adult listeners.
Non-violent communication: this is how it works
Non-violent communication, pioneered by Marshall Rosenberg, involves a paradigm shift that makes us more aware of our feelings, fosters respect for ourselves and others, and deepens connection. Counselling psychologist Eleen Polson explains how we can get our needs met by moving away from judgement, blame, expectations and demands and by expressing our position in an authentic, non-threatening manner.
Mind Dynamix: explore your brain in 3D
No-one enters the world with an operating manual for their brain - but developmental specialist Dr. Melodie de Jager’s neuroscience-based programme, Mind Dynamix, comes close. Understanding your integrated profile, your strengths, and how your brain functions under stress sheds light on your “fit” in your work context, intimate relationship, etc. Moreover, you can use targeted movements to rewire your brain for a more fulfilled life. This podcast includes an exercise to help you discover your preferred sensory modality. Sponsored content.
How BWRT can help manage bipolar disorder
Clinical psychologist Dr. Elisa Mecco discusses the definition of bipolar disorder, its subtypes, possible causes, symptoms and treatment. She describes the success she sees in her practice applying BrainWorking® Recursive Therapy and offers advice to the loved ones of individuals with bipolar disorder. Elisa considers it possible to live a fully independent life as long as this mood disorder is managed efficiently.
Sponsored content.
This is how specialised physiotherapy can ease painful sex
Are you familiar with pelvic floor physiotherapy? Hester van Aswegen introduces us to her work with male and female patients who experience pelvic floor dysfunction. Narrowing the focus to women who find sexual intercourse painful, she talks about the causes, symptoms, and treatment – including breathing and manual release techniques, and the use of dilators - and the results she sees in her specialised physiotherapy practice.
Covid-19: are you experiencing survivor’s guilt?
When you survive a life-threatening situation, pandemic or other trauma during which someone else suffered or died, you may be overcome by guilt. This is commonly known as “survivor’s guilt”. Specialist psychiatrist Dr Kerryn Armstrong talks about “Covid-19 survivor’s guilt”, possible causes, signs, treatment, and its relationship to post-traumatic stress disorder. She offers practical strategies for coping and regaining your trust in yourself and the world.
Finding ways to talk about death to those you love
We seldom find it easy to speak about death, but the Covid-19 pandemic has made it hard to avoid doing so. How can broaching the subject with a loved one bring us closer together? What should we say? Emotional Intelligence expert Dr. Rina de Klerk-Weyer offers a list of questions we can ask regarding the practical and emotional aspects of death. The answers will clarify our own views as well as those of the loved ones we engage.
Psigiese siektes: so help jy jou geliefde en jouself
Het jy of iemand ná aan jou ‘n psigiese siekte? Joernalis Pieter van Zyl praat oor sy boek, “Verhale van hoop: só help jy jou geliefde en jouself”, vir mense wat met ‘n uitdaging soos depressie, angsversteuring, opgaarsindroom of obsessief-kompulsiewe versteuring saamleef. Hy vertel waar die aangrypende verhale in sy boek vandaan kom; van sy eie pad met angsversteuring, major depressie en ‘n lewensmaat met bipolariteit; en hoe die navorsing en praktiese raad in sy boek uit sy eie dringende behoefte aan hulp gebore is.
5 things you need to know before you get married
Before you say “I do” or commit yourself to a long-term relationship, it’s wise to do a reality check. How will you handle each of the five issues below? If you’re willing to learn and grow, you should be fine - especially with Dr. John Demartini’s practical advice and insights from Imago Relationship Therapy, which will help you turn infatuation into enduring love.
How I have coped with my husband’s self-death
Social worker Annette de la Porte shares the heart-rending story of her husband’s chronic depression, which lasted for 35 years and ended in self-death. She freely speaks about living with André’s depression and the possibility of self-death, finally losing him in May 2020. Annette shares the depth of her grief and explains how faith and Emotional Logic, a practical tool for befriending our emotions, have helped her cope and grow.
What you should know if your partner has bipolar disorder
A chronic illness like bipolar disorder can place heavy demands on a love relationship. Clinical social worker Sandy Lewis talks candidly about the emotional, financial and other realities of living with bipolar disorder. She offers advice on how to allow your partner to remain independent, provide the right kind of support while maintaining your own balance, communicate effectively, and let others in on the “secret”.