How BWRT can help manage bipolar disorder
Clinical psychologist Dr. Elisa Mecco discusses the definition of bipolar disorder, its subtypes, possible causes, symptoms and treatment. She describes the success she sees in her practice applying BrainWorking® Recursive Therapy and offers advice to the loved ones of individuals with bipolar disorder. Elisa considers it possible to live a fully independent life as long as this mood disorder is managed efficiently.
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Grow more relaxed: how to recognise and manage stress
Just what we need! Clarity on what causes us stress, and practical ways to reduce the strain. Dr Rina de Klerk-Weyer considers the definition of stress, contributing factors, tell-tale signs, and pointers that can help us restore balance to our lives.
This is how specialised physiotherapy can ease painful sex
Are you familiar with pelvic floor physiotherapy? Hester van Aswegen introduces us to her work with male and female patients who experience pelvic floor dysfunction. Narrowing the focus to women who find sexual intercourse painful, she talks about the causes, symptoms, and treatment – including breathing and manual release techniques, and the use of dilators - and the results she sees in her specialised physiotherapy practice.
How to keep calm under pressure
The calmer, more predictable world we long for does not seem to be in a hurry to return. How do we cope with these turbulent times? Counselling psychologist dr Hannetjie van Zyl-Edeling offers practical tips for reducing anxiety and stress and boosting our energy levels.
Covid-19: are you experiencing survivor’s guilt?
When you survive a life-threatening situation, pandemic or other trauma during which someone else suffered or died, you may be overcome by guilt. This is commonly known as “survivor’s guilt”. Specialist psychiatrist Dr Kerryn Armstrong talks about “Covid-19 survivor’s guilt”, possible causes, signs, treatment, and its relationship to post-traumatic stress disorder. She offers practical strategies for coping and regaining your trust in yourself and the world.
Flow state: how challenge and skill can lead to ecstasy
Becoming fully immersed in what we are doing, to the extent that hours feel like minutes, is an invigorating experience. Knowing how to optimise what positive psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi calls the flow state can help us experience some of our happiest, most creative and productive moments. Learn more about the characteristics, key aspects, growth and productivity related to flow, and about flowing in a group context.
Resilience: learning how to stand strong
Resilience helps us cope with change, adversity and setbacks. Learning and development specialist Dr Rina de Klerk-Weyer explains how to use your inner strength to become the best you, despite your circumstances. This doesn’t mean you need to be strong all the time; it’s more about changing your perspective, developing certain skills, and making conscious choices. The ability to bounce back can be your anchor in an unpredictable world.
Finding ways to talk about death to those you love
We seldom find it easy to speak about death, but the Covid-19 pandemic has made it hard to avoid doing so. How can broaching the subject with a loved one bring us closer together? What should we say? Emotional Intelligence expert Dr. Rina de Klerk-Weyer offers a list of questions we can ask regarding the practical and emotional aspects of death. The answers will clarify our own views as well as those of the loved ones we engage.
How to reconnect your mind and your body
In these times, as we are looking for more ways to stay healthy or to recuperate, strengthening our connection with our bodies is crucial. Educational psychologist Dr. Elsi Meyer explains how the various layers of the mind can be used to awaken the “felt sense” of the body, mentions the tools at our disposal, and the advantages involved. She outlines the four phases of awakening, and how to balance rational thought and the creative mind for optimal well-being.
Getting a grip on Covid fatigue
Even before the worldwide pandemic, burnout took on epidemic proportions. Now – on top of that – we are experiencing Covid fatigue. Master coach Judy Klipin explains how to identify Covid fatigue and offers practical tools and self-care strategies to help our bodies and minds rest and recharge, benefit our relationships, and optimise our performance at work.
How to recognise and cope with OCD
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a stressful condition that can become chronic if left untreated. Prof. Christine Lochner talks about the symptoms and causes of OCD, and how it is diagnosed and treated. She invites South Africans to participate in a voluntary, cost-free OCD study conducted in Cape Town and explains who may be included.
Emotional challenges accompanying ADHD: how BWRT can help
Educational psychologist Hannelie Spies explains how she supports teenagers and university students with ADHD by helping them improve their Executive Functioning, and by using BWRT® to address the emotional challenges caused by living with ADHD. These traumas include being misunderstood, bullying, low self-worth, anger issues, depression, and general, social or exam anxiety. Case studies illustrate the efficacy of this parallel approach.
Mindfulness: the way to better focus, reduced anxiety and self-acceptance
Mindfulness may seem like a vague concept, but a clear understanding of its physical, emotional and mental benefits can prompt a regular meditation or breathing practice, which needn’t be time-consuming. Counselling psychologist and hypnotherapist Karin Steyn explains the difference between mindfulness and meditation, how meditation affects certain parts of the brain, and suggests practical resources and ways to develop this skill.
Psigiese siektes: so help jy jou geliefde en jouself
Het jy of iemand ná aan jou ‘n psigiese siekte? Joernalis Pieter van Zyl praat oor sy boek, “Verhale van hoop: só help jy jou geliefde en jouself”, vir mense wat met ‘n uitdaging soos depressie, angsversteuring, opgaarsindroom of obsessief-kompulsiewe versteuring saamleef. Hy vertel waar die aangrypende verhale in sy boek vandaan kom; van sy eie pad met angsversteuring, major depressie en ‘n lewensmaat met bipolariteit; en hoe die navorsing en praktiese raad in sy boek uit sy eie dringende behoefte aan hulp gebore is.
3 reasons why being a dad may be hard
Being a father can be complicated, especially when you’ve known “fatherlessness.” Even boys who live with their fathers often have little opportunity to experience the meaning of manhood first-hand. The consequences include the universal wound many men carry, father hunger, and a deep sense of loneliness. Here are some practical ways to address these issues and to foster fathers’ connection with their children.
Three myths about ageing that you can kiss goodbye
Does ageing inevitably lead to physical and mental decline, loneliness, and becoming “useless”? It needn’t. Dr. Hannetjie van Zyl-Edeling discusses scientific studies proving that we have control over several ageing processes – provided we know what we can do and actually make the effort. Learn how to examine and edit your beliefs, develop your social portfolio, reduce stress and use exercise to help remodel your brain.
How I have coped with my husband’s self-death
Social worker Annette de la Porte shares the heart-rending story of her husband’s chronic depression, which lasted for 35 years and ended in self-death. She freely speaks about living with André’s depression and the possibility of self-death, finally losing him in May 2020. Annette shares the depth of her grief and explains how faith and Emotional Logic, a practical tool for befriending our emotions, have helped her cope and grow.
BWRT: ‘n doeltreffende oplossing vir post-traumatiese stressindroom
Hoewel die binnewonde wat mense opdoen nie met die blote oog gesien kan word nie, ly minstens 10% van die bevolking aan posttraumatiese stressindroom. Voorligtingsielkundige Heinrich Benjamin verduidelik wat PTSD is, wat dit kan veroorsaak, hoe ons dit herken en hoe dit gediagnoseer word. Hy belig die sukses en voordele van BrainWorking Recursive Therapy in die behandeling van akute en posttraumatiese stressindroom en bespreek twee gevallestudies.
What you should know if your partner has bipolar disorder
A chronic illness like bipolar disorder can place heavy demands on a love relationship. Clinical social worker Sandy Lewis talks candidly about the emotional, financial and other realities of living with bipolar disorder. She offers advice on how to allow your partner to remain independent, provide the right kind of support while maintaining your own balance, communicate effectively, and let others in on the “secret”.
Boost your chances for natural fertility and conception
Many couples long for a baby but are struggling to fall pregnant. Counselling psychologist and hypnotherapist Karin Steyn clarifies the Fertile Body Method, a holistic approach to male and female infertility including psycho-education, lifestyle considerations, hypnosis, visualisation and other forms of support. A couple’s relationship is strengthened and their fertility goals and expectations of parenthood are explored in a safe environment.