Dr Njideka Olatunde: pioneering non-opioid pain relief solutions
In a quest to provide medication-free pain relief, Dr Njideka Olatunde created Reflexology-Touchology: a system which involves listening as a form of touch, identifying the pain-stress connection, offering pain relief and finding suitable integrative healing modalities. She discusses examples of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual pain and each person’s innate ability to use the healing power of touch.
What pet parents need to know about holistic health practices
Is your pet’s well-being close to your heart? Veterinarian Dr Marlene Siegel explains what integrative, holistic health care entails and why finding the root cause of any challenge is crucial in order to ensure long-term health. She discusses deficiency, toxicity, mitochondrial dysfunction and trapped emotions as causes of dis-ease, and offers advice on testing and other practical matters.
Chronic pain or illness: coping with day-to-day life
Living with a chronic condition – invisible to others - often means managing unrelenting pain, impaired daily function, diverse fears, and isolation. Having lived with chronic illness and pain for 15+ years, wellness coach Marina Wildt shares her spine-chilling journey and what it took to get her back on her feet. Offering practical advice, she now helps others become “empowered patients.”
Lyno: ‘n oplossing vir chroniese pyn en herhalende beserings
Kan onopgeloste trauma werklik chroniese pyn of beserings veroorsaak? Hoe hou dit verband met die fascia of bindweefsel in ons liggame? Fisioterapeut Benita Kropman het twee en twee bymekaargesit en met die kragtige, sagwerkende Lyno-metode vorendag gekom.
Healing unexplained pain and chronic conditions
Are you a highly sensitive individual grappling with ‘mystery’ pain? Movement and energy specialist Tami Folkenflik explains how she combines energy healing modalities with yoga and Pilates to balance clients’ 4 subtle energy bodies. Having learnt to process her own trauma, Tami now lives free from pain and empowers others to understand and manage physical, emotional, mental and spiritual challenges.
Navigating prostate cancer: what I’ve learnt
Prostate cancer is one of the most daunting challenges a man can face. Elred Lawrence candidly shares his experience of the diagnosis, decision-making process, eventual prostatectomy, and living an adventurous and joyous life ever since. He highlights facing serious concerns like possible erectile dysfunction and incontinence, the importance of garnering emotional support, and finding the courage to deal with an illness jeopardising “what makes one a man”.
Weight loss drugs, including Ozempic: game changer - or high-risk?
Can weight loss medicines be regarded as a miracle cure for obesity? Dr Manoj Bagwandeen considers the occurrence, causes, health risks and treatment of obesity, bearing in mind underlying mental health issues. Discussing appetite-suppressing and other weight loss drugs in terms of their advantages and risks, Manoj points out why they need to be used under proper medical supervision. Sponsored content.
The placebo effect: an undervalued tool for health?
What really causes healing in a challenging health situation? Chiropractor Dr Jeff Crippen shares eye-opening research studies involving the placebo effect, and considers how we can benefit from non-physical interventions. Having formerly experienced excruciating pain for years, he offers hard-won insights into transformational wellness.
Solve insomnia and other sleep challenges with BWRT
Are you getting enough sleep? Clinical and neuropsychologist Mark Eaton considers possible causes of sleep deprivation, including anxiety, traumas associated with sleeping, and disorders such as sleep apnoea. He explains how sleep challenges may affect us physically, psychologically, socially and cognitively and suggests interventions - notably the fast-working BrainWorking Recursive Therapy which can address challenges on 3 levels. Sponsored content.
Reaching for the stars after 5 years of ill health
After five years of health challenges including osteoporosis, stress fractures, falls, basal cell carcinomas, colon cancer, Covid pneumonia, a reverse shoulder replacement and lymphoedema, social entrepreneur Marilyn Hallett has turned a corner. She considers difficulties such as medical bills, loss of independence and forced absences from work, and reveals what kept her going. An inspiring listen!
12 areas of life: how to reinvent yourself
How about recreating your life in specific areas, using 5 sensible steps? Master transformation coach Liezl Thom outlines a practical process, offering examples, to help you shape a unique manual for your life. You can identify your foundational and strategic strategies – and have fun!
Is intermittent fasting truly a magic bullet for health?
Apart from weight loss, time-restricted eating offers significant benefits, especially in our current epidemic of metabolic disease. What - however - do you need to know? Functional medicine health coach Anita Hamilton-Williams explains why men and women should approach intermittent fasting differently, take into account autoimmune conditions or cortisol dysregulation, and how to get intermittent fasting under way.
How to manage the medical, emotional and practical aspects of cancer
Palliative care nursing sister Cherry Armstrong’s “Cancer: navigating the journey” helps cancer patients and their loved ones face this challenge, from the time of diagnosis to remission or terminal stages. Cherry addresses common questions and fears, treatments, side effects, medical aids, nutrition, complementary therapies, caring for a loved one, and what to say and do. Cherry speaks from experience - and from the heart. Sponsored content.
Is autoimmune disease the canary in the coal mine?
Autoimmune disease signals an urgent need to tend to an individual’s gut health and the influence of environmental factors. Functional medicine health coach Anita Hamilton-Williams explains why believing that autoimmunity cannot be treated is a myth; although existing tissue damage cannot be turned around, nutrition, lifestyle and behaviour changes can halt and stop the disease’s progression.
Healthy lifestyle choices: prevent insulin resistance and diabetes
An estimated 1 in 3 adults have pre-diabetes. Food writer Vickie de Beer introduces a hands-on guide to understanding and managing Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes as well as insulin resistance. She highlights low carb living as a long-term solution for children, adults, women in menopause and older individuals. Fortunately, the low carb recipes in “Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Handbook” are delicious! Sponsored content.
How to protect your DNA from cancer
Did you know the aim of detoxification is to protect your DNA? Functional medicine health coach Anita Hamilton-Williams discusses our exposure to toxins, the 3 phases of detoxification, and how poor detox pathways may be linked to cancer and excess weight. Here’s how to support detoxification through nutrients, lifestyle, and understanding your genetic variants.
Midlife women: overcoming fatigue, low mood and weight gain
Many menopausal and perimenopausal women lack down-to-earth support. Functional medicine health coach Anita Hamilton-Williams explains which hormonal and other changes trigger certain symptoms. She discusses practical solutions - including targeted nutrition - from a holistic and bio-individual viewpoint, bearing in mind the role of stress. Most of all, Anita offers support in affecting these changes step by step.
BWRT Level 3: relief from chronic illnesses, autoimmune diseases and chronic pain
Counselling psychologist Doreen Hofmeyr explains how BrainWorking® Recursive Therapy Level 3 targets the psychological aspects and underpinnings of physiological conditions like fibromyalgia. She discusses BWRT Level 1, 2 and 3; how fight/flight triggers are deactivated to create desired responses; and how Level 3 work accomplishes emotional relief and the best possible health outcome.
Understanding functional medicine and its benefits
Functional medicine, an individualised approach that treats not by symptom but by cause, leads to more lasting results. Functional medicine health coach Anita Hamilton-Williams discusses its success regarding chronic conditions; its focus on genetics, biochemistry, nutrition, lifestyle and behaviour changes; and why genetics needn’t determine our disease profile. She mentions the tests she uses, case studies, and good news concerning ageing.
Therapeutic reflexology: its benefits and how it works
Did you know that therapeutic reflexologists don’t work only on the feet? Therapeutic reflexologist Marinda Nel discusses the value of reflexology regarding acute and chronic conditions, preventative care, recovery and stress-related problems. Apart from physical manipulation of the reflexes, relaxation exercises, lifestyle and emotional aspects are addressed.