How – and why – to get the life coach you need
What is life coaching and when is it the right choice? What are the benefits and how do you find a suitable coach? Maryke Swarts (Groenewald) talks about the costs, whether it is worth your while, and how the Covid-19 pandemic led to the founding of Coaches Network SA, a platform designed to inform and support.
Maryke Groenewald
If you are new to podcasts, simply click on the arrow to listen to Maryke and Mariette, or on the download button to download the conversation onto your device.
In ep. 51 of the weekly podcast series Calm, Clear and Helpful, Maryke touches on
what life coaches really do
the advantages of life coaching
the different types of life coaching available
how Maryke’s transformative experience of life coaching led her to her calling
how to choose a life coach that will resonate with you
considerations when you’re not sure you can afford life coaching
reasons for taking children and teenagers to a life coach
what Coaches Network SA can do for each of us
Maryke’s 3 best tips on improving your life.
Feel free to click on Home and browse this website for articles and podcasts on more fulfilling love relationships, easier parenting, and upping your emotional well-being.
Read this personal article on what Maryke values and what it is that fires her on.
If you’d like to be a guest on the Calm, Clear & Helpful podcast series, email Mariette at
Contact details
Maryke Swarts (Groenewald) is a Master Transformation Life Coach, NLP practitioner and Negative Emotion practitioner from Pretoria-East. She is a co-founder of Coaches Network SA has an Honours degree in Human Resources Management and an Honours degree in Psychology. Maryke compiles and hosts a weekly radio programme called The coaching hour on Ekurhuleni FM.
Tel. 083 447 4074
Coaches Network SA website: